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Izuku's Pov  I stood in my cell with my hands wrapped around the medal bars, I looked at the officer who stood in front me with a serious look on his face

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Izuku's Pov
I stood in my cell with my hands wrapped around the medal bars, I looked at the officer who stood in front me with a serious look on his face.  I winked at him as I leaned closer to the bars "don't look at me like that, why don't you treat me well? I've been a good boy"

I tell him with a giggle, he was a young sexy man I'd say we're maybe the same age. I slowly started to unzip the jumpsuit pulling it down till it reached to my v line. He fidgeted around before turning the other way around making me laugh out loud.

"Don't by shy Mr officer, cmon im sure you'd like to take a hit" I tell him as I lick the cold medal bar up. He looked at me and shook his head "you're freaky" he told me as he made his way toward me.

"Don't speak to him" I looked and saw it was Katsuki, I pouted turning my back at him "Deku you can't even try to ignore me, fix your clothes you ain't working as a prostitute in this room"

"Oh leave me alone, I'm not trying to speak to anyone" "you better cooperate if you don't want to stay in this cell for long". A sigh left my lips as I zipped back up my suit, walking by his side heading to a room where I sat down across from him.

"So what are you trying to do?" I ask "don't even try hoeing with me Deku, I'm here to talk to you do you even know how long you've been sentenced for?" "Nope" "life sentence idiot, but I think I can try making them give you 30"

"30? Seriously? I'm gonna be old! I'm not gonna have this body at the age" "well
Maybe you shouldn't have messed around with a criminal, if anything you should blame your boyfriend" "why?"

"He made you this way, he formed the person you are now, you were never like this" I bit my lip looking down at my legs, I knew he was right. Meeting Kai had led me to my 'villain' world, but what is there to do now? I'm here already, locked up and probably never seeing him again.

"Deku, are you going to do as I say so you can reduce your time?" I looked him in the eye and shook my head "no, I see no point I know I did horrible things, so why try to shorten my sentence? I've killed many people, and I'll admit I do feel guilty about it"

"And I know this isn't me, but I can't help it, when I take a persons life I feel like I've made Kai proud of me, and I want him to love me so much, not just for sex" "gross, I don't want to know about that" I laughed "oh katsuki he's so good, he knows how to make me cu-" "STOP, shut up before I change my mind"

I smiled at him and got up following him behind as he took me back to my cell, "you know...If I don't get to shorten my time here, then would he be able to visit me?" Katsuki looked at me with a raised eyebrow "don't know, you think he even wants to see you?"

"Mhm, I'm the only person he truly likes and trust me, he's obsessed"

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