Abhir Birla- Bonus chapter

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A/N This chapter has some time jumps. Months or years written in italics are Abhir's age.

1 month

Abhimanyu is frustrated today. After 4 weeks of his scheduled paternity leave, he finally resume his duties. But nothing is going easy on him. He had not a single free moment from the morning. He had to study so many files, and patients' records, and complete his pending check-ups. The staff is happy to see him back after many days, but he is not in a good mood. He is missing his baby and his wife like crazy. He didn't get time to face time them. For 4 weeks he was constantly with them, every moment and now he didn't have enough time to face time them. He wants to complete his work before his son goes to bed so he can at least catch his little glimpse.

"Rohan, anything else I have to do? Is all the work completed? Do I have any more appointments left?", Abhimanyu asked impatiently. Dr Rohan just smiled at him.

"No, sir as far as I know you have completed everything. You can go home now sir", Rohan said cheekily. Abhimanyu catches his teasing voice and looked at him furiously. After getting his furious look, Rohan rushes out of his cabin. Abhi breathes a sigh of relief and rushes to his home.

Abhi is tired but as soon as he enters his room, all of his tiredness vanishes. Akshara is playing with Abhir, who is cooing and looking here and there. Abhir is such a happy baby. He only cries when he is hungry and dirty his diapers, other than that he never cries. Always cooing and looking here and there, his inquisitive son.

"Abhi, you are back. We missed you so much today", Akshu spoke breaking his reverie.

"I missed you both more, God Akshu I missed you guys so much. My little man, do you miss me today, I miss you like crazy", said Abhi while blowing raspberries on Abhir's tummy. Abhir is cooing, giggling and flapping his hands so vigorously like telling his father he missed him so much.

"Your little man missed you so much. He is looking here and there continuously trying to find you. He even refused to take his bath from me, because he knows that it is his papa's department". Akshu tells him and Abhi's smile widens after listening to her words.

"Oh! My little man, I love you". He picks him up and started playing with him. Akshu smiles looking at them. He is such a hands-on father, always there for them. He plays with Abhir and changes his diaper even in the middle of the night, helping her feed Abhir, and bathing him so that Akshu can have rest. He took care of Akshu's diet and her health. He didn't let her be tired. He knew right now she is emotionally vulnerable due to hormones, but like a good husband, he is there for her. Medicine and vaccinations be completely his department much to her relief.

7 months

Akshara visited her husband at the Birla Hospital. After a long time, she is coming to Birla Hospital. After Abhir's birth, Akshara took a break from her job as a music therapist in the hospital. She wants to spend her time with her son and husband. Abhi agreed with her on this decision. They decided after Abhir started going to school, Akshara will again resume her job and continue to head the department.

But today the purpose of their visit is not only to meet her husband but for the vaccination of Abhir. This is the thing that Akshara did not like. She can't see her son in pain. But she couldn't do anything regarding it. It is important for her child.

"Look Abhir, who do we have here?", said Akshu and Abhi looks up from his file to his lifelines. His family.

"It's Papa, Abhir. Say hi to Papa Abhir", Akshara said to her son who is giggling and went straight to his father's arms. Abhir started speaking 'Ma' the last month and now they are trying to teach him to say 'Papa'. Abhi desperately wants to hear Papa from his son's mouth but the boy has been mum about it.

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