Arrived At Location.

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your opponents attacks seemed slower than yours. maybe it was because their mech was controlled by levers, switches, and the like.

after all, your's was directly connected to your nervous system. meaning all the moves you did were replicated in real time. and it also meant you could do any type of attack.

so you used that advantage, using a combination of punches and kicks to attack. that was all your heard, as none of you had spoke during the battle, the only sound being the fists of the mechs connecting to its intended target or the sound of the water crashing against the rocks due to the big fuck off mechs fighting within the depths.

your mech had little damage, whilst the other had visible damage marks. so you were confident in winning this fight, but in the same breath, you weren't going to get cocky as you had a feeling they haven't used their entire arsenal.

what you were somehow unaware of was the fact that you and mech could be seen from the city, meaning that all of your friends, including Ruby as her group, just arrived. for obvious reasons, the group knew it was you, and all of them had rushed over to your location, with team JNPR arriving first as they were at Argus first.

you swung your fist, it connecting with the mech's head and causing it to stumble. however, it managed to hit you in your side, causing you to stumble as well, but when you recovered, you were pushed down to the cliff, slamming into it and just barely missing your friends, in which  you now know are there.

however, you weren't able to greet them as you quickly grabbed your opponents fist, pulling it away before standing up, quickly throwing your opponent in the position you were in. afterwards, you proceeded to swing your fists into the mech head, and the visor lights would begin to fade.

before you managed to get another hit, you were suddenly blasted in the chest, sending your mech flying backwards and slamming into the water. due to it's connection to your nervous system, you felt the attack but luckily, your aura tanked most of the damage for you. you stood back up, the water falling off your mech. you noticed how one of your opponents' limbs had some sort of cannon on it, which explained how you were blasted away. you balled your fist, taking a few steps forward before swinging your left, unintentionally destroying a tree before successfully landing a haymaker to the right side of your opponent. afterwards, you would have noticed a bullhead flying above the both of you, and you half expected it to be reinforcements for the opponent, but when a bullet connected to them, you realized that it was instead for you, and that brought up the question of, 'who the fuck has a bullhead?'

but you didn't allow it to bother you for long, as you had to duck underneath ad left hook that definitely would have knocked you on your ass. after you ducked, you jumped back to avoid the cannon from hitting you.  you then ran at them, jumping up and drop-kicking your opponent, which in turn made them fly into the cliff whilst you landed in the water, it being coated by the ocean once more.

when you stood back up, you rushed your enemy, but they dodged the tackle allowing them to blast the back of your head, causing alot of damage to the mech but also your physical form, as well, you know, nervous system connection?

 it had actually disoriented you, so you struggled to stand up as your first priority was fixing your head space so you could actually function correctly. you were unaware that your enemy was about to unleash  sledgehammer into your back, but it didn't connect as the people in the bullhead stole her attention away from you, giving you more than enough time to fix yourself and stand back up. you quickly spun around, watching as the enemy mech was an inch away from successfully grabbing aid bullhead.

before they could do that however, you walked up, grabbed their arm and physically ripped it off, hen proceeding to do the same with the other arm, essential making the mech completely useless. you then proceeded to beat the ever loving shit out of the mech, it getting to the point you were actually breaking it apart through sure punches alone. once the visor turned off and you broke into the cockpit you stopped, grabbing the one controlling it and placing them at the cliff. you proceeded to threaten them, telling them you would crush them like a bug if they don't allow you to go through the checkpoint and go to Atlas, something the person nodded at they knew you would go through with your threat.

The Unknown Truth. (Ruby x reader) (RWBY X Male reader.)Where stories live. Discover now