I Wanna Be Your Lover

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Description: You, Eddie, and the rest of the Hellfire Club go on a camping trip in the summer. You've been in said club for years, and harbor strong feelings for your handsome leader. You want him to like you back, especially now that you're 18 and have finished school. Will Eddie reciprocate these feelings? Or are you just 'one of the guys' to him?

Warnings: smut, female reader, smoking, mentions of vomit, alcohol use, teasing, grinding, mutual masturbation, fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex, praise, light degradation, semi-public sex, talk of sexual history, dirty talk

I Wanna Be Your Lover

"Will you guys stop fighting please? I don't wanna get lost." Eddie calls to the back of the van, where Dustin and Erica are arguing over which horse from My Little Pony is best. Erica claims it's Applejack, whereas Dustin insists it's Bubbles. You can't help finding their little squabble entertaining, Dustin doesn't seem the type to enjoy such a childish show.

"Yeah, I'm trying to help navigate here." You chime in through a giggle, a large map from the last rest stop splayed out on your lap in the passenger seat. You agreed to assist Eddie in finding the campsite on your little trip, one you've all been planning since a little bit before graduation. A trip exclusively for Hellfire Club members.

You've been in the club since your sophomore year at Hawkins High. Eddie picked you out as a little lost sheep stranded in a sea of ruthless tigers. You were apprehensive to join at first, especially given Eddie's rather forward nature. You'd heard of Dungeons and Dragons before, it even sounded a little intriguing. But your parents thought things like that were a gateway into dangerous behavior and sexual deviance. Eddie insisted on your membership, however, going so far as to say he could see how lonely and sad you were. You didn't take offense, it was certainly true. You've never been one to have a lot of friends, if any at all.

Eddie took you under his wing, making his first attempt at senior year at the time. He showed you the ropes, and helped you build your first character. But he made it clear that he had no intention of taking it easy on you, and you wouldn't have expected it. Your first game didn't go super well, the dice and turns were confusing for you and you died pretty quickly. But no one in the group made you feel bad about it, especially not Eddie. He gave a sympathetic smile after the campaign concluded, telling you your skills will improve over time. You appreciated his patience, as the next few games afterwards slowly got easier to understand.

By the time you'd entered your final year of school, you became Eddie's second in command. You're a certified master in the game now, skillfully thinking quick on your feet and giving your DM a run for his money. Your fearless leader is notorious for making the campaigns as sadistic as humanly possible. But you never relent, and you never give up. Gathering with this band of misfits is ultimately one of the best things you've ever had in life. The feeling of holding your own and even occasionally winning is borderline euphoric.

"Turn left up here, Eds. Just twenty more miles until we reach the campground, guys!" You announce, gaining cheers from everyone sandwiched into the back of the van. Erica, Dustin, Lucas, Mike, Jeff, Gareth, and Alex have been stuffed uncomfortably together for the last six hours. A pile of coolers, tents, and duffle bags are shoved into the corner of their seating area, threatening to topple over with one ill-timed bump in the road. The stereo quietly plays one of Eddie's many mixtapes, and all you can see out the windows is a large expanse of lush green trees on either side of the gravel road you're riding along. The sky is bright and blue overhead, and it's a cool ninety-seven degrees on this July morning as the sun beats down on the world.

"Thank fuck, we're boiling back here!" Jeff complains, wiping sweat from his brow. It definitely hasn't been an easy ride, as the van's A/C is nonexistent. You've told Eddie many times to take it in to get it fixed, but he swears up and down that it's fine.

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