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Another memory faded in. This time the siblings were playing in the shores of the Atlantic. They splashed each other as they ran through the salty waters, giggling tirelessly. The two had not aged at all since the last memory, in fact, they looked exactly the same despite the passage of time. The small blonde boy with deerskin pants covering the lower half of his lightly tanned body, and the slightly taller black-haired girl with a simple deerskin dress covering her own, much darker, body. Both with eyes sparkling with joy, one set purple and one turned red from the excitement.

Red irises soon turned back to a cerulean blue as the little girl stopped playing with her brother, her attention caught by something on the horizon. As she calmed down, standing motionless and staring out across the ocean, her brother sensed an opportunity. Noticing that she had stopped paying attention to him, he tackled his sister, pulling them both down into the cold water.

The girl shrieked as the chilly water made contact with her sensitive midsection. She immediately stood back up, splashing her brother in the face in retaliation. He just laughed in response.

"What was that for?" Amayeli asked her brother, crossing her arms in a pout.

"You weren't paying attention," Kanata responded, still giggling as he sat in the ocean, "What were you even looking at anyways?"

Amayeli turned back to the open waters, eyes trained on the horizon, "I saw something on the water, it looked pretty big."

"Really? Where? It might just be a fishing boat," Kanata got up to stand next to his sister, scanning the horizon as well.

"It was right... over... um...," Amayeli narrowed her eyes, trying to find the dark silhouette that had caught her eye before. "Oh!" She exclaimed, "It's right over there, see?"

She pointed to a spot on the horizon, straight out and to their left a little. Kanata moved his head closer to his sister's, trying to follow her finger. It took a few seconds, but he saw it too. The thing on the water was very far away but, despite the distance, the two children could tell it was a large ship, larger than anything they had ever seen.

"That's not a fishing boat," Kanata commented, awed by what he saw.

"I know, " Amayeli replied. The ship was long and had a huge sail, she didn't recognize the style as any of her costal siblings' boats, so the people on the ship must be from somewhere else. But where? Could they be from the same lands as the people in the spirit realm who wore those weird clothes?


"Could this be when we found them?" England wondered out loud.

"... Zat doesn't look like one of our ships, Angleterre, and Amérique looked a lot different when we found zhem, " France commented, his brows furrowed.

Canada shook his head, confusion on his face, "This can't be when you arrived on our lands, Diego and Maria were around then, this is before they were even born."

"Well, jou were there, whose ship is it?" Spain questioned, turning to the siblings for answers.

The Mexico twins turned to their older brother as well, just as confused as the other nations. "Uh," Canada started, furrowing his brows in concentration, "I'm... I'm not sure. I can't remember."

"Well you must remember something, " England pushed, "this is your memory too."

Canada could only shrug, just as lost as everyone else. France held up a hand, "Let's just see what 'appens, zey were very young when zis happened, it is normal to forget things."

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