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I'm y/n l/n, and I'm from a family of rich and sophisticated men and women with a long line of nosiness and lucky gambling games.

A family that doesn't exist anymore. In a universe that doesn't exist anymore. With money that also, doesn't exist anymore.

So now I'm just y/n l/n— I guess.

That was years back by now, but I'm still recovering from losing everything and everyone I've ever known or loved.

Things are going alright though, a masked man took me in all that time ago, and now it's safe to say I've grown comfortable with the new people around me.

Well... minus one of them.

The one that saved me.

. . .

"Miguel, please," I groan, feeling a small migraine working. "Help me out here."

He does nothing but huff at me and I have to remind myself to take deep breaths. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you; there's no need for you to be in here."

"Jess is worried—"

"We have bigger problems to think about!" I knew he had a short fuse, and instead of pushing back, I swallow the sentence sitting on my tongue and nod, offering no other words before walking back out of his office to leave him be.

Waiting for me were the faces of multiple spider people, reminding me that I'm the black sheep; it's why I'm stuck putting up with Miguel, because they truly believe he won't hurt me without reason due to my lack of powers. Not to mention I don't have anything important to lose if I make him mad.

"He's not interested in coming out," I shrug, walking by, already done with everyone for the day. My left temple is pounding, making my eye twitch with it.

Jess follows behind me as the others disperse, satisfied with seeing that I had no scratch on me or fear in my eyes. "What does he think we can do? Just sit around and wait for his orders? y/n you need to get him to help us with all of this, it isn't just fighting, we have to provide proper housing and food."

"I don't have to do anything for you guys," I remind, turning to face the woman with a growing annoyance. "Need I remind you that Miguel is the only one I truly have to help? That he's the only one I owe anything to? I'm not a hero, and I don't plan to act like one. Besides, housing and food are fine, even I know that."

She doesn't say anything for a minute, probably thinking over what was best to say next. "...We need more recruits."

Jess finally comes out with the real reason behind all this begging, and my eyes squint with new confusion. "Uh... why? Last time I checked, we had more than enough people helping out," I motion around me to the multitude of spider people walking, swinging, running, and crawling around.

"More issues are starting to sprout, rumors are going around that Miguel is cruel to all the spiders under his orders; rumors that I can't keep fighting off. People are resigning, the organization is shrinking."

I could tell she was nervous. If this whole thing went under, so did the universes of thousands of spider people, and that was a rocky road to walk with someone like Miguel in charge.

I groan, sigh, kick a foot, and finally nod my head. "Fine, I'll help; maybe I can figure something out. No promises though, he doesn't like talking to me just as much as he doesn't like talking to the rest of you."

Jess smiles, and if she was a touchy person I'm sure I'd be wrapped in a hug by now. "Thank you, y/n."

"Don't thank me, I just don't have the gut to let billions of people die."

. . .

Another new book cause the new Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse movie has me screaming!


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