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"Miguel?" I look up and see he's not on his usual platform, and my eyes look around to try and find his bulky figure. He wasn't really easy to miss.

Walking further in, I see him, working away in a corner, his hand scribbling something quickly as his head bobbed up and down. "Miguel..."

He doesn't look up still, and I walk over, trying to tap his shoulder, but before I can neon red webbing wraps my body tightly and I huff, trying to take in air.

"What do you want?" He mutters, before turning around and realizing who he'd caught in his web. "...y/n."

"Let me go," I huff, struggling to breathe. "Now."

I'm probably the only one bold enough to command this guy, but he does as I say and lets me loose with his claws, leaving me standing across from him.

I see the bags under his eyes, the grease in his hair. He was tired and overworked.

"How king has it been since you took a break?" I question, concerned for the man's wellbeing.

He shrugs, looking me up and down, taking me in, like at any moment I'd leave again. "Since when are you talking to me?"

I stop, my eyebrows raising. "Since I figured out a question I need to ask."

"Only when you need me," He mutters, and I make a small hum, leaning in closer since I'd missed what he said. "People only talk to me when they need me!" He yells this time.

It's a lie. Obviously. Plenty of people come to talk to him, they're just denied that friendship.

I talked to him often about his days, something I cherished. However, it seems he didn't cherish it as much. "Did you save me because I was just a y/n for you to toy with? Or did you save me because you had that level of kindness?"

I get straight to the question before he's able to annoy me further. It shuts him up pretty quickly, and I stay grounded to my spot on the floor. I don't know how, but I'm gonna make sure this man answers me.

It doesn't take a lot of pushing though, maybe because he already knows our relationship is entirely different.

"Because you were a y/n..." He admits, looking down at me. "Is that all?"

I feel my eyes start burning because even though I knew the answer, I didn't expect such a cold response and such a cruel statement, though I know I should've. "Did you ever care about me the way I cared about you?"

It's all on the table. My heart, my life, my sanity. His words will either build me a castle or throw me in a ditch. I don't know which one I want from him, all I know is I want this to all be over with, to have every small piece of my heart that belongs to Miguel either grow and flourish or be destroyed and crushed.

That's the gamble.

Miguel stares at me for a bit, his eyes hard as steel. "Care about you?"

I swallow, my throat feeling tight.

I wait as he thinks for a moment, as if debating on what he should say to me.

"y/n... My body yearns for you. My world rotates to the thought of you. My heart calls to you when I cannot speak with my words. Every fiber of my being praises your presence and alights with flame when you are simply by me. I do not care about you, y/n..."

"I love you."

He takes some breathes and rubs at his chin, showing how nerve wracked he was just from opening up.

"I—"There are no words to say. My tears have started flowing for new reasons, my cheeks wet and my body rigid. "Why did you—"

"Not a day has gone by since I saved you and I don't regret my reasons for doing so," He walks closer. "I was greedy. I'm still greedy. But I don't love you because you're a replacement for what I lost, like you say. I love you because you talk to me every day, because your eyes light up when you eat your favorite meal, because when you walk you're heavier on your left foot than your right, because when you have a bad hair day you own it, because despite everything you've lost... you still act unchanged."

"te amo y/n En cada universo y cada escenario, te amo."
* I love you y/n. In every universe and every scenario, I love you.

Miguel was out of character. He was being abnormal. There's no way this is real, not after everything that happened. Not after everything that's happening. He doesn't display his heart and feelings to people, he doesn't...

I was wrong. It was me. I'm the one who assumed that just because what he did may have been wrong, means he's numb to his actions and how he feels now. I couldn't have been more wrong about that, because he has new feelings... plenty of them.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, my voice weak as I stare into the man's eyes. "I—"

Miguel shakes his head, pulling me into a hug as I try and regain any sense of normalcy I walked in here with. "Don't be sorry for pointing out how much of an ass I am, we all know I'm cruel. Just know, that even if my intentions in the beginning were poor, I haven't kept you around to fill a hole. I kept you around to make your own home in my heart."

He grabs my hand and puts it on his chest.

"Where you're free to make your own damage. To ruin me and tear me down in all the best ways."


"Just say you love me too," He mumbles, almost pleading for me to feel the same way about him. "Please."

"Miguel I—" My words are short as I fight a smile, my stomach full of butterflies and my hand feeling the beat of his racing heart. "How do you say I love you too in spanish?"

Miguel's laughs a small bit and pulls me into his arms. "yo también te amo."
* I love you too

"Ah... yeah. What you said," I smile, relishing his hold. "Thank you."

. . .

This should be the last big chapter the next one will be the final one and it's gonna be nice and flufffyyyy or spicy depending on what you guys want.

I tried keeping the book short so people don't grow uninterested. Short and sweet has been something I've loved lately cause I'm not a big reader of 30+ chapter books.

I hope you all don't mind I had Miguel a little out of character in this chapter. He's feeling his feelings and trusts y/n yk? So I thought it would be fineeee

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!


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