track six: sensitive guy

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track six: sensitive guy

"Luke's perfect first date would be, uh," Ashton beings, "a movie and dinner. I don't even think, no─" he stops and the quickly continues, "he'd probably­­ eat dinner first because he's quite a hungry guy, as well."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Michael and Calum say at the same time.

Ashton, Calum and Michael are sitting in a row, filming a video for the band's YouTube channel.

"Then, then, then he'd have a second dinner after," Calum adds.

"But then he'd have popcorn during the─" Michael stop, continuing on, "He's one of those guys who would─"

"He might even go get a snack during the movie," Ashton says, cutting him off. Calum laughs, nodding along.

"Yeah, yeah, he'd get─ he'd be, he'd be one of those guys to get dinner before watching a movie, but still get, like, large popcorn and jumbo drink," Michael says, chuckling.

"But, he's done the whole dating thing," Ashton says.

"He's been through that," Calum says, shaking his head, talking over Ashton.

"I think he's more ready for marriage," Ashton continues, "kids, mortgage, settle down."

Michael nods in agreement. "Settling down."

"Maybe a little farm," Ashton continues on, "some pigs."


dear luke,

so, before i even start, i want to tell you that in no way am i insulting your manliness or your manhood or whatever. i'm only saying this because i know some guys don't like it when you say they're sensitive. which i really don't get because, like, so what? being sensitive isn't a bad thing.

so, this next song is by a "super group" and i know you like one of the bands in this super group (which also happens to be my favorite band ever, along with you guys, but that's a story for another day). and it kinda pokes fun at "sensitive guys" in an over exaggerating way, but regardless, it's still a good song.

anyway, this song is a song that reminds me of your personality because what a personality you have.

so, that being said, i know i don't know you personally and my observations of your personality are from interviews and your stage presents. but that's just what you let us see. you could be a completely different person behind closed doors.

the boys always say you're mama's boy, which i think is so cute. it really does say a lot about a person when you see how they treat their parents and especially their mother. i think it's so, so sweet that you're close with your mom and i know you always play it off, but i can tell you're not embarrassed by it.

you (and the other boys, too) seem to be very family oriented and that's a really good thing because you watch countless amounts of celebrities getting sucked up into the glamorous lifestyle and forgetting where they came from. i feel like you wouldn't let that happen to you, luke, because i can tell that you care. not just by the way you treat your family-spending time with them when you can, but by the way you treat your fans.

but anyway, back to the sensitive part. i think because you're so caring towards your loved ones and your fans and even your band mates, i can tell you have some emotion, even if you've buried it deep down inside. even if you won't admit it, i know that you know i'm probably right.

i imagine you're a very passionate person when talking about things you love. i can just imagine you getting emotional over a song you wrote. i one hundred percent believe that you would never intentionally hurt anybody's feelings and if you did, mistakenly of course, you would apologize before the other person could even think of a defensive comeback.

maybe you're the type of person to dig a deep hole in your soul and throw any feelings you don't want to deal with at that moment in there, or maybe you let every emotion out the second you feel it.

maybe you're the type to cry at those animal shelter commercials that come on tv because you can actually feel the poor animal's pain. or maybe you're the type to change the channel to avoid crying. personally, i'm one to change it, but my mom would start crying. it's actually funny to think about because sometimes she cries while watching my dad's car show while eating her breakfast on saturday mornings.

i'm not saying that i think you're a cry baby, because i don't think that at all. i think what i'm trying to say is that i think you're a very caring, thoughtful and sweet person. you don't come off as this big tough guy that could care less about what every thinks. so i think that could mean that you're a sensitive guy because you understand that it's not cool to be a douche because you're a good guy and you care about people.

i have a feeling that even though you may not show that you are, in fact, a sensitive guy that you are, even a little bit. and plus, you shouldn't bottle up your feelings because it's actually bad for you. it's funny though because i can't even take my own advice.

so after all that, i hope you don't take it offensively and if you do, i'm sorry i'm just very bad at explaining things. but your personality is one of my favorite things and i hope you always stay a sweet, thoughtful, caring, amazing guy, luke, because it would be a damn shame if you didn't.

"i'm just a sensitive guy

i'm ready to marry

she's so samantha but i'm more like a carrie

i'll cry and cry and cry and cry

and cry and cry and cry and cry

and cry... and cry

i'm just a super, super sensitive guy"

hope you like it. i love you, a lot.

thinking of you,

ellie carter



hellooo, so i havent updated in 5 months and i am so so so so sorry, but i promise to at least update once a week.

but anyway, as always, listen to the song, look at luke being cute as shit in the gif, comment, vote and fan :-) xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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