Chapter 11. Chain of Memories

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Elizabeth's POV

"I can buy myself flowers" the sizzle of my eggs sings along with me, it's a great song Miley rocks,

I dance to fridge taking out the milk singing with her, after so many days I'm enjoying myself like this, dancing, singing all these things also left me when he was in my life.

My life became so cloudy, not a single stroke of sunshine was there,

But now it's so bright, like beautiful morning.

I sometimes wonder if all this is real, Am I really free now, or I'm dreaming the same dream that use to home in my eyes every night I close them, hiding it from him, so he won't snatch my dream, what if it's the same dream and if I'll wake up it'll fly with air?

No Eliza it's not a dream no matter how much it seems like one enthrall dream yet it's as true as my existence, it's my real life now, the life of freedom and joy.

And now that I've embraced it I'm never letting it go,

Go reminds me where did Jeremy go? He's a sleepy head always he has to forcefully peel himself off of bed, with me thinking about him here he comes opening his mouth like hippopotamus.

"Good Morning Jerm" I chime,

"Morning" he replied more like yawned,

"Here your breakfast" I move the plate of pancakes "Eat it as well I also made apple pie"

"It smells great I'm telling El you should become a chef" he digs into it "Delicious El!"

"Thank You" yeah I'm good cook got it from my mom,

"No seriously I'm sorry being an self-centred jerk I never asked El what you wanna do in future" he's actually right he never asked about it maybe always wanted me to be with him,

"Well I wanna study more, and I also want to open my bakery" mom's dream I want to fulfil,

"Woah that's great, you should I mean you can, you will I'm sure" he smiles eating.

It's really very tasty, I'll pack some for Bianca and Dylan as well, they'll love it.

"Hello" Jeremy picks up his call "What? Really" what what really? "Yeah share it to me I'll see it" what's he talking about I've no idea but it's something serious atleast his crossed face it telling me "Got it see you at work"

"Who was it?" I inquired,

"Guy from work" he replied his eyes looking at something in his phone,

"What he was saying?" again he's hiding something,

"Nothing just a work thing" his eyes not leaving his mobile screen even for a second when he'll stop dissembling,

"Jerm even if it's work thing still I wanna know I also work there" he sighs "I thought we agreed upon not hiding anything"

"Yes we did El but I don't think so you'll like to see it" what's it?

"I believe I've seen many things now so I can handle" I assure him,

"Alright here" he hands me his phone which has a video, I play it "It was Jeo supervisor of third floor, he called to tell me that when Thorn came to bless our club with his presence he also gave a gift to a guy by breaking his arm" wide eyed I look at Jeremy,

I watch the video which is actually an cctv footage of third floor aka the stripping section, it took me a minute to descry Mr. Thorn, there he was standing beside the stairs, shaking hands with someone whom I can't see due to granny image and dark, I think I heard Jeremy saying he broke someone's hand but he's shaking it,

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