Ch 17. Her

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Alexander's POV

I lock the shiny cufflinks before wearing my suit jacket, gluing my hairs, I stare myself in the big mirror of my walk in closet,


But something's missing,

I slightly push the drawer unraveling the shiny things, my fingers touch them trying to decide which one to choose, my finger stops at one the golden brooch,

Picking it up I placed it right above my heart, many of them belongs to my father, this is one of them, wearing it feels like he's with me.

I look like him a lot,

But I'm not like him, expect my face nothing is like my father, the biggest difference being mercy,

My father had a lot in his heart but me I don't even have a heart,

He use to love the love of his life,

And I don't have anyone in mine,

Many places my father is better than me, nicer than me and that's why he's not here,

To live in this world one don't need to be kind and benevolent, one can only and only survive this world by becoming cruel and stone,

That's why I'm here.

Making sure that I look perfect I walk out of my mansion my driver opens door for me and I settle in, earlier I planned to go with Ad but he left early and as I was busy with some business work I'm little late,

I was also thinking not to go but then Giovanni is one of my father's best friends and he really wants me to come.

The venue is pretty far from my place so not waste time I did some work calls,

We arrive the hotel, it's nice previously I was planning to buy it, then I learnt Giovanni wants to but it so I stepped back although it was a nice deal.

My car stops, I'm not out yet still I can see and hear the buzz of paparazzi, the flashes, clicks and different sort of voice saying Mr. Thorn,

I step out on red carpet my men keeping them away, they all take my pictures begging me to stay for one picture,

They really think I'll listen,

Avoiding them I enter the hotel, I know they all can write shit about me but I don't care afterall, who'll dare to do it.

The very first word against me from their mouth, will be their last.

And they all are very well aware of it.

Servants bow at me opening the doors I enter the hall with every eye on me, I can even sense the fear in many of them,


"Alexander you're here I'm so happy you came" Giovanni said coming to me,

"You invited me how I couldn't" I can see a little hesitation in him maybe because of my notorious tales, everyone knows about me and my temper so everyone plays safe with me, thinking twice before speaking and stuff,

"When you entered for a glimpse of second I thought it was your father, You just look like him" he says patting my shoulder,

I hate myself when someone says this to me,

I hate it when someone speaks about my father,

It reminds me that I'm here but he's not,

It reminds me that he's not breathing today but someone is,

The one who did it,

And I haven't found him yet,

I haven't killed him yet.

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