dont jump

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this is going to be a sad one 😭
Contains the following-
Suicide prevention. (Sort of)
Self harm.
High places.
Mention of police.
Y/n jumps in this.
This is basically don't jump back in y/ns view.

The atmosphere was calm. No noise. Just silence.

You took a step onto the ledge, looking down at the floor below you.

You lost your breath for a moment, feeling the blood from your wrist treacle down your arms, soaking your shirt.

Some one had seen you and called the police.


They put caution signs all around the scene.

Tears started to fall down your cheeks, staining them.

The police looked up at you, leaning on the cars.

You saw a boy.

You knew that boy.

You knew that boy very well.

It was your boy friend.


Bill kaulitz.

He was just walking past. Until he looked up.

His face fell straight.

One girl, your best friend tried to get to you, but 2 police officers held her back.

You and bill met eyes.

You took a deep breath.

You didn't care about any thing.

You were too tired.

You took a step closer.

The police looking up at you also.

You saw him run past the caution tape, running up some stairs, not taking his eyes off you.

But you weren't looking at him any more.

You didn't care.

You sucked your lips in, nodding your head. You heard foot steps.

"Don't come any closer"

You told him, not looking back at him

"Y/n don't you fucking think about it"

He said, his voice cracking slightly, the wind becoming quicker and louder.

A foot step.


you yelled, spinning around to face him

"Please, love. I need you. This isn't the answer."

He told you, smiling at you softly. You thought about it, smiling at him. You took a step back, coming closer to the edge again. He stared at you, your make up was smudged

"Cmon kid! Come down! "

One of the officers shouting. You heard a chuckle from one of men

"Yeah! Cause that's what I was planning on doing all along"

You yelled back, taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry"

You span around and stepped of the ledge.

Should I do a part two to this? Maybe where y/n survives? Or what life is like for bill after she takes her life? Let me know!

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