When will i see you again? ❤️‍🩹

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Song recommendation


A few tears
Live tv
Young th (?)
Short story!


You and modern th where looking back at the younger you and you only just realized how much you want to go back.

"Running through the monsoon. "

Your eyes started to tear up as you held the black laptop in your hands.

"Holy shit"

Bill muttered, looking at the screen from behind you, his voice cracking at the sight.

"I would do anything to go back. "

You said, a tear falling from your eye.

You gulped as you started to cry, happy and sad tears.

Gustav put a hand on your shoulder.

You wipped your tears with your sleeve, a whimper leaving your lips.

Tom shook his head in belief.

"I'm sorry"

You giggled, looking at the screen.

Just me and you.

"And I still love you till this day, y/n kaulitz"

Bill said, a soft tear leaving his eye.

"I didn't think I would miss it this much"

You admitted, looking at the camera that was held in front of you.

You looked over at the audience, a few tears left their eyes.

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