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"You're the sunflowerI think your love would be too muchOr you'll be left in the dustUnless I stuck by ya"sunflower by post Malone, swan lee

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"You're the sunflower
I think your love would be too much
Or you'll be left in the dust
Unless I stuck by ya"
sunflower by post Malone, swan lee


it was a windy rainy day but the female had no choice but to walk to her daily Night Shift. Athea thought it would be the easiest, just baking dessert for the next morning. she was luckily enough to get hired quickly. it always amazed her that the girl before her was now a celebrity though. Nayelia was her name? she doesn't remember but all she knew that her boss hated her for being late. So, here she was rushing running towards the building.

The constant rain drops kept dropping only getting heavier. she stopped seeing a little figure running by. Athea squint her eyes, woof! hearing the barking getting closer, her eyes widened at the sight. "oh my god! suki how did you get out??" she quickly picked up the little dog. "you better pray my boss doesn't kill me for bringing you" she muttered as she continue walking.

oh was she lucky seeing her boss left early, she removed her rain coat hanging it up inside her locker. she sighed looking down at the dog as it's tail wag happily. Athea pointed at suki, "you better behave for the next 5 hours" suki tilted its head slightly before barking. Athea was thankful her dog behaved which usually was rare. but it didn't matter because she manage to bake enough for the morning. "c'mon girl ! Oh wait here's-" crashing sound was heard ! athea fell onto the floor dropping flour on her face and hair in the process.

she laughed at herself before giving suki a treat. "made it for you! for being such a good girl. now let me clean up and we can leave" the dog excitedly ate the treat running in circles.

once done she clocked out and picked up her dog once again. it was a tiring walk back home. Athea was just ready to finally fall asleep after a long day. she pulled out her keys unlocking the door. that's when a dog ran towards her barking loudly. confused she looked at her arm that was carrying what she thought was her dog and back down to the real suki. She quickly entered her tiny apartment in panicked.

Athea slowly put down the dog and watched as suki warmed up to the dog. "lord what did I do.. did I just brought a random dog home!??" she spoke to herself feeling crazy in the head. she bit her nails nervously not knowing what to do. she sat down on the floor motioning the dogs to come towards her. seeing how the fake suki had a collar, she looked at the name tag. "okay floki? that's a cute name" floki barked.


João loved the beach, it was a good get away from everything. but something was still missing. he laid down on the blanket sighing loudly. feeling footsteps come closer he open his eyes and now was facing nayelia.

half moon☾J. Felix Where stories live. Discover now