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"the day that i met you i started dreaming" KingstonBy Faye Webster

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"the day that i met you
i started dreaming"
Faye Webster


joão wasn't to say he was easily convinced. but the video and the city name was enough proof for him. João was nosy, he tried to get a look of who was the owner of the account. but it was a private account not even the pfp showed a face. After a few minutes that's when he finally decided to text back.


yes, I believe that's my dog.
Could you send one more video?
have to be sure. 

oh yes!
*sent a video*

okay yeah that's my dog

omg thank god,
I was worried 😭
I'm so sorry again...

no it's alright,
could I perhaps call you?

yes of course!
no worries wait on here?

if that's alright yeah.

oh yes yes sorry
I'm a bit slow

joão could hear silence on the other end, he coughed awkwardly before speaking. "so, what's your name? and it wouldn't be a problem if I came by to pick him up right.." he waited for a moment for her reply. he could hear slight barking in the background.

"oh it's athea, yeah I don't mind just need to know what time"

"alright then, would right now work?" He asked. joão wasn't busy at the moment after all. "that works! my address is-"

now he was standing in front of an apartment door with a gift in one of his hands. he knocked the door stepping back a little waiting. the door opened revealing athea, she awkwardly smiled stepping aside to let him in. joão felt his eyes roam her face, she was pretty for sure.

"sorry about the mess, I wasn't expecting a celebrity in my house" she joked before motioning him to sit down on the couch. joão smiled at her, then floki came out of nowhere. the dog was quick to jump into joão's lap.

"floki! where have you been huh?" joão picked up floki before looking back up at athea. "oh yes here this is for you" he handed her the gift. she looked down at it opening it before closing it shut.

athea looked at him with wide eyes, "I can't accept this" she shoved it back into his hand. he shoved it back into her hands, "what why not? It's a thank you gift for taking care of floki" athea nervously laughed.

"but isn't this too much money? No seriously I can't accept this. this is literally my whole life if it was money!"

joão only smiled at her beginning to walk towards the front door, "just accept it" she watched him leave shutting the door.

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