Part 1

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Your pov:
"is everyone having a good time!!!" rafe says on top of a table with his shirt unbuttoned and a beer in his hand. but he has a girl up there with him. who is that? i walk closer to him. it's kiara. since when did kiara actually talk to rafe? last time i knew, she HATED him.

"rafe, get down. you're gonna get hurt!" john b comes up. he puts his hand on my back and then looks at me with a smile.

"hey john b" i say

"hey, are you having a good time?" he asks.

"sure, just wondering when kiara starting liking rafe enough to talk to him" i say

"apparently they were caught making out in the pool the other day. i think there is something going on between them or something"

"oh, okay."

"you good?"

"oh, uh, yeah."

"well i'm going to gather up the crew and meet in sarah's room to play truth or dare, meet you in there in a few" john b says walking away and i just give him a thumbs up.

kiara and rafe kissing? i would have never expected that. kiara woulndt ever look at him. whatever. i walk to sarah's room, and everyone is in here except kiara. i sit down next to jj.

"what's up?" jj asks

"nothing much, is all that we are doing is playing truth or dare?" i ask

"yeah, but with action dares and juicy truths" jj says with a wink. then kiara walk in with rafe. i look over at john b and he shrugs at me and words- i'm sorry, i didn't know he was coming too.- i just shrug back. john b knows that i have liked rafe for the longest time.

"let's get started!! but first, rules. whoever gets picked must pick truth or dare and you cannot pick the same two times in a row. after you take your pick, everyone picks the truth or dare. unless the person has one picked out already. everyone ready? i'll pick first"

everyone says yes in unison. john b takes a look at everyone. "kiara, truth or dare?"

"truth." she's says.

"perfect. is it true that you and rafe were caught kissing in the pool?"

"yes." i roll my eyes at the response. "okay, my turn. y/n, truth or dare?"


"you guys can pick her dare, i don't care what she does." and they all group up and start talking.

"we got it. you have to go into another room and make out with rafe" jj says. kiaras eyes widen. and rafe just smiles, me and him make eye contact and he comes to me and grabs my hand and takes me to sarah's closet. is this actually going to happen? we get into the room and rafe grabs me by the waist and pulls me in.

"do you really want to do this? we don't have to, we can just act like we did." he says

"so you don't want to, that's why you are asking, you would much rather it be you and kiara. not me and you"

"i never said that. don't just assume things, please."

"so you do?" i look him right in the eye.


"good, because i do too." he pulls me into him and puts his hand on my cheek and kisses me. i put my hands on his face. he quickly picks me up and puts me on the counter with the sinks. he reaches up my shirt and takes it off only leaving me in my bra. i take his shirt off rubbing his abs.

"you are very hot, y/n" he says pulling back a bit and i looking down at my breast.

"why thank you. you aren't too bad yourself." i say with a wink. then we hear knocking.

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