Frickin' Watermelon

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As a sniper, you have to keep your face out of sight. You prefer face paint, camouflaging yourself to blend in. You'd gotten quite good as quickly painting yourself and heading out for whatever mission was next.

Unfortunately, on this mission, they decide rather last minute to use your sniping skills, simply shrugging when you asked for face paint. They hand you a balaclava, which would do the job fine.

You slip it on, slightly peeved that you couldn't use your paint. There is a reason you wear paint. The longer you wear that face covering, the more you feel like you were going to choke on your own breath. It is hot and humid, and the balaclava gathers sweat and oil and dirt and hot breath, keeping them all close to your face.

Wiping the sweat from your forehead, you force yourself to take a few deep breaths, lifting the mask a bit to let some fresh air in from time to time.

You spend several miserable days out on that mission. The final morning when you pull on the balaclava, it rubs painfully against some recently developed acne.

Mercifully, the mission ends successfully, and you return to base. After a quick shower to degrime from your time in the field, all you want to do was fall into bed, but that acne is just getting worse.

Half asleep, you reach for your bottle of face wash. It was watermelon-scented pink gel that works wonders for you. You scrub your face with it, put on some moisturizer, and stumble your way to bed.


"What do you even need face wash for? Isn't water good enough for the princess?"

You might have hit Soap for his teasing if you hadn't detected a hint of genuine curiosity in the question.

"There's no way water is going to cut through all the grime on your ugly mug," you tease back. "For a guy called Soap, you should use some a little more often."

"Ouch," Soap says with a grin.

After a long day of training, you, Soap, Ghost, and a few other members of the 141 have gathered to just relax. You don't know how the conversation turned to your skincare routine, but here you are. These boys are oddly fascinated with the care you give to your personal hygiene.

"I'm honestly surprised you guys don't get acne more often. That one mission a few weeks back, I had to wear a mask the whole time I was in the field, and I broke out so bad," you said. "It was awful!"

You caught Ghost's eyes after that remark. *He* wore a mask all the time. But it was different for him. The mask was part of him at this point. It was freeing, somehow, in a way you couldn't quite grasp; for you, it was smothering.

If you got that bad of acne from a couple days with your face covered, you had to wonder: did Ghost ever break out?

"You know, if you ever want to try it, I can give you a full rundown of the routine. Face wash, moisturizer, the whole works," you said, directing your comment to Soap. Then, meeting Ghost's eyes, you added, "You can't miss the face wash. Bottle of pink gel in with my stuff."

Soap snorts, and Ghost doesn't say a word. You didn't want to straight-out say that he could use your wash if he wanted to. After all, "skin care" didn't have the manliest connotations. His eyes reveal nothing of his thoughts on the matter.

"Pink? I suppose it smells all fancy, too?" Soap laughs.

"Well, of course! Nothing too girly, though. Just some light, fresh watermelon scent," you reply.

"Ah yes, watermelon! The manliest of all scents," Soap says.

This time, you do hit him.

After a few days away on a mission, you are glad to be back on base. It hadn't been a bad time out in the field, but it had been boring. You guess that's better than things going horribly wrong, but you'd like at least a little fun while you're out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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