Crossed Paths

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Sam —

How do you make yourself proud to all of the things you're doing? Does being an honor student will make you proud of yourself? Or you'll always aim for academic validation? Are you a person that work so hard o get the validation and all the applause?

For me, things would work when I see high marks. It's not that obvious, but my parents pressured me. I couldn't blame them.

I am their only child and all the pressure and expectations are on me. It would be good if I had a brother to share all the pressure. But nothing!

"Here is your I.D. And this is your building number." he said as he handed me the I.D and the putting paper he had been holding earlier.

"Thanks for touring me round here."

"No worries. I gotta go! See you.."she said and gave me a smile before leaving in front of me.

She was wearing a uniform that's different from what I'm wearing.I just transferred here to the new school I attended for Senior High School year. I enrolled here at LSA, in short for Luke Stanford Academy. This is the most prestigious school around here in our area. And I don't know what's waiting for me.

I'm used to changing schools every year. It's okay with me yet it's tiring sometimes but I was left with no choice.

After that I went to my classroom I was welcomed by very noisy students. There are many scattered papers on the floor, noisy classmates and of course the "feeling--star" of the section is really visible. I forgot to say that I was with the adviser of our section.

Our teacher's face showed how disappointed she was with what she was seeing inside her classroom.

"Everyone! Kindly, please sit at your respective chairs."she commanded.

They sat down. But others, I saw them glared at our adviser and it annoys me. I am not into that kind of person that even if annoyed, I will not show disrespect towards my teacher. But to them it's like nothing.

"I want all of you to welcome our new member in the family. Please introduce yourself please."saad niya.I was kinda expecting this to happen.

"Hi, I am Samantha Avery Diaz. You can call me Sam or Avy whatever you like. I like to read books and learn my lesson the hard way. I like to play in any debates, I was also a former school paper journalist, and former swimmer. I like the color green and I hate the color blue. I dislike noisy people and most of all, I dislike those who don't show any respect to the elders. That's all."

"Wow! That's an amazing introduction,Sam. Please take that seat beside that boy on the third row.That one sleeping."she said and pointed to the seat at the very back.

I slowly walked towards my seat and guess what, it looks like I'm just unlucky now because this man is next to me who has been sleeping for a while. I am not friendly though so I let him sleep all day.

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