Cut Me Deep

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Inspired by Mazikeen from Lucifer

TW: Violence, Knife play, Saber play

General Armitage Hux looks at you wearing a huge cloak to hide his face. "I need this to look clean, and not traced back to me, do you understand?"

"Of course, do I look like an amateur to you? I am the best at what I do General. The name?"

Hux looks around, to make sure no one is around. "Kylo Ren."

Your eyes go wide, and you even look around, paranoid. "Oh yeah my payment is triple from what we originally discussed."

"Excuse me?! We agreed upon that price!"

"I had no idea you wanted me to assassinate the damn Supreme Leader of the First Order, so yes General like I said, the price has now been tripled. Hell, you're lucky I'm still deciding to take on the job. Who else would be idiotic to even do this?" You look up at him while you play with your knife. "I'm not one of these low life assassins, I have a reputation to uphold and that means charging the top price for my services. Now either you pay it or you know what, here's a fun idea, you do it your damn self."

"Fine, Fine! I'll pay it. Half now, half once the job is done."

"Deal, a pleasure doing business with you. I'll contact you when it's done." You nod your head and walk off.

Fuck, this definitely won't be easy, might be the hardest job I've taken. You thought to yourself, as you started packing up and grabbing your weapons. You grab gloves, cleaning supplies, put on your sleek armor underneath your clothes. Hmm poison or do I want to go the bloody route? Choices, choices. Probably would be best to go the quiet way. I don't deal in politics or causes, but I do know he's as ruthless as they come and trained in ways of the Jedi. So this has got to be stealthy. You put the poison in a syringe, and look over at your curved karambit knife set. Those are your signature weapons, definitely won't leave those. You place them in their holders on your thigh hidden under your big cloak then take off.

General Hux had given you distinct instructions to have this done at probably his most vulnerable moments, while Kylo Ren was sleeping. He gave you the flight coordinates of where the huge First Order ship would be. The blueprints to the ship, what route to take that's less detectable, and lastly, his quarters. The way in, would be from below, through the trash chute. It was going to be a dirty, nasty job but the payday would be grand.

Your ship was undetected, you had your cloaking shields up and docked far off to the side. This is where your nerves got to you. Deep breaths, you got this. It's good to have these butterflies during each job, don't get too cocky, that's when you get caught, or killed. Gotta stay calm under pressure. You gave yourself this same pep talk before each job. It helps to center you and keep on going.

You try so hard not to gag in the trash chute. The smell is horrendous but you gotta keep going. This particular chute goes straight up to Kylo Ren's quarters. You open the lid, carefully and silently climb out. You open a can of sleeping gas, placing it on the floor to make sure he doesn't wake up. You already had on your gas mask so it doesn't affect you. You take the syringe from your back pocket walking slowly to the huge figure in the bed. He was sleeping, breathing heavily. As you stepped towards him time seemed to have slowed. You were standing over him, ready to plunge the syringe of deadly poison into his neck.

His hand catches your wrist, your eyes go wide from the shock, wondering how he withstood the sleeping gas. He extends his other hand and you go flying back into the wall. You recover quickly. How the hell was he not affected by the gas? Guess we gotta do this the bloody way. You take out your blades and come back at him. He jumps up out of bed and calls to his saber. He ignites it. You flip on the ground as he swings it at you, you quickly come up and cut across his stomach. Then use your other hand to cut his wrist so he would drop his saber. It dropped and burned the floor. You kicked him in the ankle, he dropped down to his knees and you stood over him with your knife to his throat.

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