Chapter 5 - Who Are You Again?

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? Pov

The war has begun. I cannot help but hold my breath for what the future holds. To think that such prideful beings would allow the secrets behind their race's strength to be passed down to mere lessers is a laughable concept. Did I underestimate how much he feared my influence? He appears to be taking this conflict more seriously than I had anticipated. 


Arthur Leywin Pov

Landing alone on the heavily defended floating castle of Dicathen reminded me exactly why I had initially sought out Lance Alea. Thirty armed mages, all with core levels light orange and above stood some 10 yards away, swords, axes, wands, and many other unique weapons, all trained on me.

I threw my hands up, making no effort to hide my vexation. "I was supposed to arrive with Lance Alea, but it seems as if I have beaten her here."

A step brought me closer to the mages that had cornered me against the castle's edge. It seemed, however, that doing that was a bad idea. Every single mage tensed, flaring with mana. The winds around us were thrown into disarray, agitated by the sheer pressure that the combined might of all these men and women exerted.

Apparently, it was my mana levels alone that had put them on such high alert. It was probably best that I didn't tell them I was holding back. Like, a lot.

"You'll stay right there," called a voice from behind the wall of mages. I didn't recognize it, though the underlying condescension was all too familiar. It sounded like a noble.

"That's fine with me," I replied, tilting my head to get a look at the man. He was making his way through the crowd, adorned with sleek armor and a spear I could tell, rested against his shoulder.

He broke through the front line, and I couldn't help but grin as I saw who it was. The man was older, handsome still—but more aged and rugged with his crew-cut blonde hair and thick stubble on his chiseled jaw. Obviously, he didn't recognize me.

Bairon's eyes narrowed as he inched closer. He was apprehensive, but not outright hostile. "I would be happy to watch over you, while we wait on Alea to join us," he said.

He looked to the other mages. "Leave us," his voice was a quiet whisper, but with sound magic at my disposal I could hear him perfectly. "If this turns violent I would need to lead him away from the castle.

"I would not dream of turning violent," I said, an annoyed frown on my face. Alea had better hurry up so I can talk to Virion and be on my way.

Bairon looked startled. His unease was clear as he white-knuckled his spear. He jerked his head and the mages flanking him fled back into the castle, a few still peering at me from behind the thick doors.

"A sound mage?" He said, brow raised.

I shrugged, "Among other things."


A groan escaped me. "Can you drop the whole friendly charade? Please? I can feel the fire mana congregating throughout your body," I sighed. "I'm not going to attack. Seriously, I'm on your side."

Bairon still retained his defensive posture, though he did not speak another word until Alea arrived.

My bond was in her human form when she touched down with Tessia and Alea in tow. The latter carrying Tessia by the hand.

I'd almost forgotten that Sylvie had Vritra-style horns until Bairon erupted with electricity, spear pointed at her, ready to strike.

"Stand down, human," Alea said. "This is Sylvie Indrath, Princess of the Dragon's own Indrath clan and bond of Arthur Leywin."

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