Chapter 14 - The Final Entry

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It appears that an ancient aether art is what fuels the boy. He has toppled an entire dominion. With every man devoured, every building and city block—every city even, he grows more powerful. His flames grow larger. His supply seems unending. He has killed asuras sent to destroy him—the sovereign of Vechor among them. I was wrong to underestimate him. I always knew that these reincarnates were a force of change—and at times, chaos, but I hadn't predicted this.

I fear that this will be my final entry. His flames of destruction grow closer to Taegrin Caelum with every basilisk he slaughters...I cannot hide for long. The matter has escaped even the grasp of Kezess Indrath—whose response to all of this is entirely out of my range of prediction. Will he swoop in to dispose of the greater threat once the bout has ended? In the event of my defeat, would he allow the boy to live out the rest of his days for fear of losing such a confrontation? I don't know. At least not now, however. Chances are, I will never know.

How could I have let it end like this? He's just a man. He's just a lesser.

     - Agrona Vritra

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