Chapter 9 - Sins of the Past

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? Pov

It is safe to say that this proxy war has been nothing if not unpredictable. Dicathen has done better than expected. It seems that the old elf at the helm has somehow found out that his granddaughter was the true target. Did the boy tell him? If so, how did he find out? Regardless, he will have to make it through Scythe Cadell if Dicathen wants any chance of coming out victorious. Their bout will no doubt change the course of the war entirely; the survivor of such would be left wholly unchallenged by their opposition.

Should the boy win, however, Dicathen will fall regardless. The ensuing battle brought about by the breaking of the treaty would destroy them regardless. One could almost pity its citizens.


Virion Eralith Pov

After hearing of Arthur single-handedly stopping the advance on Elenoir—a pretty clever plan all things considered—Virion began to feel like the boy was the only one doing anything. Sure, Virion himself was calling the shots and the other respective rulers were pulling their weight, but had any of them contributed as much as this one man? Combined even? Virion didn't think so. 

He shouldn't hold it against them—Arthur was special. Who else could have been a beast tamer at four years old? Who else could have contended with silver core mages as a prepubescent boy—what other lesser could have trained with asuras? Yes, Arthur was special. Virion had known that since the day he'd met him. He was always been so advanced for his age. why did he now look so dead inside?

As Arthur strode into Virion's office, an unmistakable depressive air clung to him so desperately. Arthur hadn't been like this before. He was mature—and more violent and cold than most—but he was never like this. He was never that detached.

"What is it, brat?" Virion said, smiling at his former disciple. Though he had never once thought of Arthur as the brat he referred to him as he couldn't bring himself to drop the title. He liked Arthur.

"I've come to discuss something." Arthur seemed uncharacteristically nervous. Which was to say, only a tiny bit. "It's about Tessia."

Virion suppressed a frown. He always knew Arthur had a special place inside him regarding the girl, but shouldn't he wait until after the war? "Go on."

"I have good reason to suspect that she is the true aim of Agrona," Arthur said. "Or perhaps just a spoil of war. Regardless, the Alacryans intend to target her."

Virion held a questioning look. "What?"

"Agrona wants your granddaughter." He said simply. "Kezess told me to protect her as well."

Kezess? That's Lord Indrath, right? A myriad of questions ran through Virion, but he decided on the most pressing. "Why?"

"I do not know."

"How do you know this?" he pressed.

Arthur hesitated. 

"You know how I was able to stop the Alacryan plans to invade Elenoir?" He glanced at the window, still mulling over what he was trying to convey. "I have—I had, an informant of sorts. They told me the wall was a diversion...and they also told me Agrona seeks Tessia."

Virion frowned, hand tracing through his lengthy beard. "Who is this informant?" He finally asked.

"A Scythe," Arthur said.

A Scythe? He can't be—

"The party following the victory at Doln, she approached me." Arthur thought for a moment. "Well, her retainer approached me, but I wouldn't listen to him."

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