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(Ethan's POV)

How was he able to just...

I couldn't believe how quickly and happily he went along with what I had said!

"I will not take the throne, I will not selfishly put my...Pups, onto the throne...Ok?"

I opened my eyes and stared at him, thinking...Thinking that this must be a dream. It was so perfect!

Then, after thinking that, I never wanted to wake up!

If I woke up, will I still be just a King with a chosen mate and had never met my destined mate?

Putting my free hand to his face, I gently kissed him, and he lowered himself onto me, making me lay back down and we kissed for...Well, god knows how long!

I was so smitten that I didn't stop him when he put his tongue in my mouth. His taste flowing through me, his touch...

I didn't stop him when he put himself in between my legs and started to kiss down to my neck.


I kissed the side of his face and just as I was about to let him know that I was ready, another knock sounded at the door. "Your Majesty, I believe you and I should talk more about this before you make a decision!"

"That old man!"

Damien left me suddenly and I took a moment before I became worried as he might actually cause a fight!

Sitting up in a rush, I see Damien walk into the bathroom, and turn back to me, "I'm having a shower! Tell him I'm going to put my scent all over this place!"

Then he slammed the door!

He had looked so cute with his words and slamming the door, that I let out a giggle. Ah, I know it hasn't been long, but I really liked this guy, he was great!

"Your Majesty."

I looked to the door, which had been opened, and I narrowed my eyes at Owen. "Do you not know what personal space stands for, Owen?"

"Not when it comes to you, my King."

I widened my eyes at him and looked away, "Damien said that..."
"I heard Your Majesty...He was going to put his scent all over this place!"

Seeing Owen mad, made me happier...It looked like Damien was going to put this man in his place.

I was never going to do it, but I did know that...He was supposed to be a servant, a friend, a brotherly figure, even a father figure, but he has always been closer to that of a boss, rather than any of those...


"You...Have you forgotten, or am I to repeat things to you?"

"I haven't forgotten, but it seems he has figured out a few things...Beta Owen."

"...Beta Owen?"

I took the drink off the tray in front of me and had a sip, I really was thirsty and hungry! The food looked really good!

Diving right into the food, I closed my eyes to the taste...

"If it is the case, then how would you explain it to others? If it is found out, that you are in fact an Omega..."

"Then perhaps the Sollace family is finished and will no longer rule the Shifters."

When did I get so much courage!?

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