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(Damien's POV)

I didn't know what I was doing...I don't know if thinking what I was thinking was only going to make things worse instead of better. All I knew, was that I was hurting more and more, that even breathing felt like something difficult!


Hearing Simon in my head, I blinked and snapped out of it, "What is it?"

"...Sir...The King was buried alive! They are rushing to get him out of the dirt!"


My heart felt like it stopped...I couldn't seem to swallow...I felt my chest start to become extremely painful...

It was like my life was being sapped right out of me!

Putting a hand to my heart, I...Started to wonder if some of the pain I felt, was from him...

With this thought, I was on my feet and I ran, I ran so fast to where he would most likely be.

Please be alive!

I remembered him yelling at me to 'Get out!'.

I'll leave, I'll do anything, just, don't die on me!

'Well, let's put this another way, I want you gone before this happens again. You brought it on, so leave, I don't want to do that again!'

Whatever you want...Whatever, I'll do it! Just, please be alive! Don't leave me alone!

Again, I never felt so fucking weak!

It felt like it took me an eternity to get to the massive mess area, that was now cornered off.

Coughing to my sudden quick and fast run, I hit my chest and continued to get a closer look. Please...

Seeing four people attached to ropes and others holding them, those four people used their wolf paws to dig and at the side, there were others moving buckets and buckets full of dirt away from the area.


Getting through the massive amount of people, I found myself right next to the area now...Right near were the bed was supposed to be...If I had been with him...


A tear escaped, and I dived in to the side and dug myself, not sure if I was too close or too far away.

I felt utterly useless, as I felt another tear escape and I dug faster, unable to stop myself.

He has to be alright, he has to be!

"Here, give me the rope!"

I dug absentmindedly, as the bed got pulled out of the dirt...But no mate...


"Stand there! Be ready people!'

I watched as someone had gotten into what looked like a fallen wall and then dug faster, not using his claws. The dirt sprayed out so far, that people had to move.

"You, do the other side!"

It must have been the wall, the bathroom wall...Or some other wall...

Within a minute or two, both men couldn't do anymore off the wall, and they were too low for me to see.

"More on the rope, both go in there, we haven't got any more time! Find him! Find His Majesty, quickly!"

Hopelessly looking at who was yelling, I then realized that he was right...

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