☯ World In Danger? ☯

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All the King's eyes had been wandering around in the search of their manager.

Taehyung - Isn't he too late?

Namjoon - Have patience, bro. He might be coming.

Suga - I've no idea how he has so much patience.

Jimin - I agree!

Namjoon - That's my attitude.

He proudly ran his hand through his hair when each of them chuckled.

Namjoon - What? I thought you all were serious.

J-Hope - Not even in dreams.

Namjoon pouted. Suddenly, a voice was heard as all of them turned towards the door. It was Mr. Han!

Mr. Han - Good morning, Kings! *bows*

The Kings nodded with a smile.

Namjoon - Good morning, Mr. Han! Why you called us here? What was the emergency?

Mr. Han - I've a bad news.

All - What?

The curiosity built up instead their perception trying to deceive the bad news.

Mr. Han - The DEVILS are returning soon. *scared*

Suga - WHAT? *shouts*

J-Hope - But how is this possible?

Jin - This is not possible. Not at all.

Namjoon - Calm down, boys! Tell us what actually happened, Mr. Han?

Mr. Han - Actually there's a news spreading in the whole world which is that the DEVILS are returning.

Jimin - But that isn't possible. In the last fight, we trapped them into the unbreakable cage. How they got out?

Mr. Han - Actually, do you remember Daniel?

Taehyung - Ofcourse! That betrayer. He tried to help the DEVILS.

Mr. Han - He was successful in helping them.

Taehyung - What? No way! We catched him and already killed him. He wasn't able to help them.

Mr. Han - He did it! When you catched him, the cage was partly fragile because of the powerful hammer.

Jungkook - But he told us that he couldn't break it even a bit. That means, he was lying?

Mr. Han - No, he wasn't! He hit the cage for one time. He wasn't aware of the power. The cage was partly fragile after just one hit.

Jin - But just half only, right? The half is still remaining and they can't break it.

Mr. Han - They can because they still have some power in them. If they collided all the power then, they can break it.

Suga - That's a bad news!

Mr. Han - But they still don't know about it that they can do this. They don't have the knowledge about this.

Jimin - Then we should not get scared, right?

Namjoon - We should be scared. It's very much possible that they'll eventually get to know.

J-Hope - And what about the fight?

Jimin - Yes, let's prepare for the fight too.

Mr. Han - If they got out then, they will be 5x powerful than before.

Jimin - What? How?

Mr. Han - They will consume all the power of the cage and the hell.

Taehyung - What should we do for it?

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