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(Third pov)

The queen,her highness has been getting sick day by day while she is pregnant

The people of the kingdom Gotham has been worried,for their queen and they small ball of sunshine that they await

Queen Selina's (yes,i made her the queen and not making Talia,Diana or any other of Bruce's lovers the queen) health has just gotten worse and the words spread the kingdom of the forbidden and the forgotten flower of hope

The only cute of the queen's health was the flower .....

His highness,king Bruce sended out his guards in search of it


Just before they found it an old man was by the flower,singing an lalaby like song which made the flower glow

The old man's appearance seamed to change

From the old man he seemed to appear much more young and attractive

As the song finished and he took the feeling of being young again,he heard the soung of guard the ran but didn't forgot to place a circular bucket like thingy to cover the flower and hide it from the sight of the guards

Though,as he ran,he somehow knocked it over and flower appeared to everyone's sight

The man in the clock watched as the guards tooo the flower and stride back to the castle on their horses


The Queen  was saved but the flower gave birth to an adorable little boy with beautiful raven hair and eyes the colour of the sky

That day,June 21s the day the new prince was born,the day the day the kingdom in joy for both

For the queen surviving and the new pure found boy,there prince

For this amazing gift that the kingdom reserved they decided to fly,the flying lanterns into the sky for celebration

Everything was perfect

But then,the man,the man in the clock went to the castle and stole the young prince


The kingdom searched and searched but could not find the prince

But deep within an forest an hidden tower she kept the child and raised him as his own

The man,slade Wilson has found his new flower but this time he was determined to keep it hidden

"Flower.gleam and glow,let my power shine,make the reverse bring back what once was mine,why once was mine" a little boy sang as the man comb his hair

"Father,why can't I go outside?"

"Because the outside world is an dangerous place my dear an I would never like you to be in danger, understood?"

"Yes father"

"Don't ever go outside dick,okay?"

"..yes father"


But the tower could not hide everything

The kings and queen released thousand of lanterns in the sky in hopes of finding their sunshine


"Oh robin where are youuuu?" A boy in his min teens and dark black beautiful raven hair as long that can't be worded asked he passed by the window

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