chapter 2

31 4 44



(Third pov)

It opened and after a few second an figure with red hair dropped down


Soon a chair is appeared with a red head that bounded to it but Dick's hair as he's up on the roof

A robin pearched on the red heads shoulder

The robin starts slapping the red head with its-his feather to wake him soon after he doesn't so robin sticks it's beak into the read head'd ear

His head in  perked up in suprise as he he first look at his hands that we tied to the chair

"Is" he focuses as belonged to...
It was dark so he couldn't see who was, yea

"Struggling,........ struggling is pointless" the voice of an boy in his late teen

(Am gonna change pov ere becuz i wanna write from wallys pov)

"I know why your here,and i am not afraid of you!" The voice was again hesitant,a bit strained

Wally was confused,the voice sounded cute though

"What...?" Look he was dumbfounded right now okay? He just wanted to live in an island full of money

As he said that and boy emerged as he guessed in his late teen holding a pan in his hand as a weapon,wearing a cute blue outfit

"Who are you,and how did you find me" look he's just getting more and more confused here

And where the fucks Roy!? That bitch better not have gotten killed

He ignored the dread he felt at that possibility

"Huh?" He know he's dumb alright?

"Who are you and why are you here" he repeated

Right now he think it's the perfect time to turn on his charm

He clears his throat as he looked at tha boy who couldn't be above 18

"I don't who you are,how i have found you,but may i just say"

He took a pause

"Hi" he give his signature grin to the boy,he ignored how he had his pan ready to attack

"How ya doin? Names flash"

The only emotion present on the boys face was skeptical

"How'd your day gone ey?" He said in as much seducing tone he could muster,complete forgetting he's his captor

To be honest he felt like he was more calm then him

The boy fixed his grip on the pan as he asked

"who else know my location,flash"

He pointed his pan in front of flashes face

Flash backed his face a bit

"Okay cutie-"


"Same thing,i was in a situation" he did the gestures with his hands or at least as much as he can with his hands bonded

"Gravelinh through a forest with my friend,i came across you tower-"

He cut himself off

"Oh,oh no where's my salchet?" He said as looked beare there from his position

"I've hidden it,somewhere you'll never find it" the boy-dick as he said had his arms now crossed and looked strangely proud of the statment

He looks at him for a moment then at the pot beside

"It's in that pot isn't it?"

A noise of metal ranh out through the air as the pan connected with his head again and he black out


He wakes in the same position with the robins beak in his ear


He looked to his right to see it

"Yuck! Will you stop doing that!?" He yelled as he tryed to wipe his ear

He looked straight and the boys again standing there holding his pan

He's starting to think the guy really likes his pan

"Now I've hidden it well,your not gonna find it" he said as he flicked his hair and starting moving around the hair

"So,what are you gonna do with my hair?"

"Cut it?"


"Sell it?"


He get it the guys hair are quite........long......okay they're pretty long but what the hell!?

"Listen the only thing i want to do with your hair,is get out of it" after a few sec he added "litrelly" what can he say? He's a pun god

After hearing the boy is confused on different level,he came tell

" don't want my hair?" He asks as he looked at him

"Why on earth would i want your hair?,look i was being chased,i saw this tower and climbed it,eng of the story"

He's starting to question this boy,i mean hair are pretty he'd admit and,they're pretty soft too

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes" the duh inokied in his word

As he pointed the pan a robin suddenly emerged from his shoulder and STRIGHT right through his soul

Seriously he felt like his soul was being read

The robin signalled for the pan to retreat and it did slowly

The boy soon turned his back to him and starting talking to the......bird!? What the fuck!? Is that guy even same!?

He tried to listen but couldn't so he started trying to get out of the chair

"Okay,flash,i propose a deal to you" the boy said interrupting his attempt

"Deal?" Huh? A deal?

"Look this way" he made his hair twist for him to face unfortunately he just fell to the floor

The boy walked to a walk with curtains and slides them

"Do you know what these things are?" He could tell he was trying to sound authorised

He looked up and saw a painting of the lanterns

"Do you mean the flying lanterns they do for the prince?"

"Lanterns" the boy said more to himself

"I knew they weren't stars!"

Ge totally ignored the comment,he had no interest here

"Well they would light the sky tomorrow evening with these lanterns i want you to be my guide" he pointed the pan at him as he said you

"You will take me to these lantern and take me homes safely and then,and only then I'll return you your satchel"

"Yea,no can can" he said as attempted to back back up but you know it was an 'attempt'

"Apparently me and the kingdom aren't on the 'beatest of terms' at the moment so i won't be taking you anywhere" i air quoted with my hand as i said 'bestest of terms'

He looked to his shoulder to the robin and it did an gesture it didn't quite understand


Hello lovelies,how was it???? Hope i explained Wally well

And. don't worry guys you'll see Roy pretty soon

I was thinking of making this chapter bigger but choice against it

And ya byeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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