i want to drown.

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i don't want to sleep feeling crappy as ever; i have to drown. i cannot bear my reality tonight; i need fiction. to submerge my mind in layered stories is what must be done to end this misery. bubbling my innate physique in encapsulated fantasies will keep my sanity. bathing my neurons in caramelized dreams will petrify the dread creeping within. i have to forget who i am. for a moment. even for a spare moment of the universe, i need not to be me. i crave for a fate where i am living up to my dreams and not for anyone's expectations. i crave for a world so soft i don't have to worry for a nightmare to visit during my rest days. and whenever the sun rises, i do not confuse myself of what are in my memories that's real or fabricated. the world needs to make sense. i still have to survive, i might be called a masochist for wanting to drown.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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