Chapter 7

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Anna turned to see Dracula thinking about his options that he had laid out before him. He can't seriously be considering killing all of us, just so he can be reunited with Lilith again. He wouldn't dare betray us after all that we have done to accommodate him and Lilith. If he does betray us like we're nothing, and we make it out of this alive, I will gladly chain him up and watch as his body slowly sinks out of sight down to the bottom of the sea, Anna thought to herself. "Don't tell me that you are truly considering their offer. You don't even know if they are being truthful with you."

Dracula growled at Anna. "Why don't you shut your mouth for a moment. Ever since we started this journey together all that I have been hearing is you running your mouth nonstop. I already know that you put on a show around me. You don't think that I don't hear your little protests about having me around? You think that Lilith hasn't heard about how you truly don't want us at your village; and that we should consider ourselves highly lucky that you are allowing us to remain there, all because we are doing our part to be there? We hear it all. You claim that you trust us with your lives, but then turn to Gabriel and tell him something different. You don't trust Lilith and I. So, why should I even consider sparing your life?"

Czar smirked. "This is only getting better."

"That's enough Czar," Thomas said before stepping forward towards the group. "Dracula, we won't force you to kill anyone here and now. We are reasonable beings. But we only have so much patience before we run out. So, to prove that you truly have a disliking for this group that you are traveling with, harm one of them. Just enough to make them bleed. Think of it as giving us a little preview of what is yet to come."

"Dracula really think about what this strange vampire is asking of you. Do you really want to go back to being enemies again; especially after putting in so much effort to become friends again," Van Helsing asked hoping that he was getting through to Dracula.

"You idiot. Do you honestly believe that I would truly go out of my way to play nice with you? Did you not stop to think that maybe I was waiting for the right opportunity to turn on you and that worthless princess? If you both truly believe that I would truly change who I am, so that way I can be accepted, then you are truly dense," Dracula snapped.

"I told you he couldn't be trusted! But you kept insisting that Dracula was a changed man, saying that he wouldn't do anything to betray us. Well, take a look at him now. He's betraying us. Are you happy with your decision of keeping him around, husband," Anna asked sarcastically to Van Helsing.

Van Helsing went to reach for a weapon, but stopped the moment he saw Dracula pull Anna into his arms, holding her against his chest. Van Helsing noticed that Dracula's eyes were ice blue and that his fangs had elongated. "Dracula, really think about what you are doing. Do you think Lilith would be happy to hear that you did something to harm Anna?"

Dracula laughed. "Oh Gabriel. You truly are a funny, aren't you? Thinking that you can use my precious Lilith against me like that. Do you honestly believe that this princess means that much to my Lilith? I mean yes Lilith tolerated the princess. Well at least she tried to tolerate the princess. But when you guys aren't around, Lilith always had so much to say. Never good things. But it seems that the princess loves bossing my Lilith around, acting as though Lilith is beneath her. Do you honestly think that I would allow the princess to get away with doing something like that? If you did, then you truly are a fool, Gabriel. If you think I would let the poor treatment of my beloved Lilith slide, then you truly have never been a friend of mine."

"You forget that I am a friend of Lilith's. I know that she wouldn't like the way that you are acting right now," Gabriel said taking a step closer, which only caused Dracula to tight his grip on Anna.

Dracula's Lost Love: Saving LilithWhere stories live. Discover now