•A needed Break•

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Kyojuro's birthday was on Wednesday, now its Sunday, 4 days have passed and you and Kyojuro spent it playing with the cat and spent a lot of well needed time together. Because the two of you are Hashiras, even though you live together, you get night missions because you're a demon so you don't see Kyojuro awake a lot, normally you get home and he's already asleep, Sometimes though, on the way to a mission you'll see him on his way home, and you two hug and whatnot and you get back to your mission, so this was A Needed Break. You and Kyojuro went on dates, even took the cat sometimes, he loved casper and so did you. you made shadow puppets on the walls at night, did some childhood activities like made snowmen and snow angels, you drank hot coco, and on Saturday...you went to visit Senjuro and the man you hesitantly call father. 

𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕧𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕥

You and Kyojuro arrived at the Rengoku Estate, you knocked on the door and when it opened you looked down to see little Senjuro taking care of him and Shinjuro who still went out every now in then to buy food and other needs but then left Senjuro to take care of it himself. After coming into the house and saying hi to Senjuro, came the hard part. Kyojuro knocked on his door. "who is it" came a raspy unwelcoming voice from behind the door "hello father, me and y/n are here to see you" Shinjuro huffed from behind the door "Go away, i didn't ask you and that vermin demon that you made me keep to "visit" me, get out of my house"Kyojuro growled at what he referred to you as, you didn't hear because you where in the kitchen helping senjuro make some onigiri and other food for him and Shinjuro, for when they weren't there. "can i come in or not father?" Shinjuro scoffed "No, i just asked you to get. out. of. my. house, so GET!" Kyojuro sighed and gave up on trying to talk to him and went to go help Senjuro and you. After about 4 hours of cooking Shinjuro came out of his room to get more Sake (alcohol) and got furious when he saw you and Kyojuro where still here, he threw a vase at Kyojuro to which he dodged, thats where you drew the line. You told Senjuro to hide behind the counter and your pupils turned into slits and your cut nails grew in an instant, markings that looked like cracks appeared on your body and a second pair of eyes ripped through your skin below and to the side of each eye, Kyojuro turned around and his eyes widened , your teeth where bared and your fists where clenched, you wound up and found out what your blood demon art was, it was water, but not like a breathing style, it acted like a shield and enhanced the power of the attack on the part of your body that it covered, in this case your fist, you reared back and punched Shinjuro right in his face, knocking out a tooth. you impale him with your foot when Kyojuro stopped you "you've done enough my love" everything turned back to normal, aside from your nails and teeth. you looked on the ground and  realized what you did, "o-oh my god i-is he dead!?!" you asked with your eyes widened in fear and worry you just killed Shinjuro "no, he's just knocked out, Thank you though, he was being, dangerous, i will carry him back up to his room, Senjuro, are you okay to stay here? or do you want to come with us?" Senjuro smiled, "i'll be fine, he never really comes out of his room" After Kyojuro put Shinjuro back in his room, he re-filled his Sake and left the room, you two said Goodbye to Senjuro and went home, you where looking down in disappointment of yourself for hurting a human, Kyojuro stop walking and hugged you, "it's alright little flame, it needed to be done, and it was better for me not to do it" you hugged him back and you went home and strait to bed.


you and Kyojuro where just laying in bed cuddled up next to each other happy to be alive and in the moment when there was a knocking on the door "i'll get it" you said sighing and getting out of bed "hello?" you said as you put your ear up to the door...silence "Hello?" you said slightly irritated..."mhmmm!" your eyes widened as you opened the door "Nezuko?! what are you doing here cutie, wheres Tanjiro?" you said looking around "mhmmmmmhhhmhmmhm!!!!" she said pointing to the door "Is Tanjiro in trouble? you set her down and dashed to you and Kyojuro's room to put on your uniform when she nodded "whats going on my love?" you got undressed and dressed into your uniform, attached your belt, put on socks, shoes, and your haori, kissed Kyojuro ignoring his question and ran out the door following Nezuko hoping Tanjiro was alright. You arrived to an open field filled with flowers ,bees and butterflies (this is not a mission he had in the anime, i made it up for the sake of the story people) you saw a line that started a huge circle without any long grass or bugs or flowers, or anything, you figured this must be a blood demon art and you stepped in the huge circle that took up about 2/3rds of the massive field , when you stepped into the circe you saw Tanjiro fighting a massive demon, you could tell by the sound of the attacks it wasn't an uppermoon, those have a louder and bigger sound wave than this, you ran up and moved Tanjiro out of the way, i got this Tanjiro, Thanks for holding up" you said setting Tanjiro out of the Circle "Rain Breathing 3rd form god of rain" you said slicing the limbs off of the demon "Rain Breathing  1st form Talon Drop" you said slicing it's neck, killing it. the circle disappeared letting the flowers grow in that area again "Thank you y/n" you smiled "Anytime! but you should thank your sister, she came and got me" Tanjiro's eyes widened "Thats where you went! I was afraid you fell out of the box and got hurt" Nezuko laughed as Tanjiro patted her head and Thanked her. "Y/N!?' You turned your head at the sound of Rengoku's voice "Kyojuro? what are you doing here?" He looked ticked off "What am i doing here! what are you doing here!?!" You laughed at his question "Nezuko knocked on the door and told me Tanjiro was in trouble, sorry i couldn't tell you love, i was in a rush" Kyojuro sighed in relief "Come on love lets go home and finish our day off" you said waving to Tanjiro and Nezuko telling them to get back to the butterfly mansion safely. You and Rengoku got home and spent the rest of the day in bed, cuddling with casper.      

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