Chapter Tweleve

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    You're actually going to be a councilor? Biana squealed into her imparted. Yep! Sophie couldn't help but reply proudly. I'm so proud of you! Biana said

    Are you going to tell the group yet? Biana asked. I'm not supposed to tell anyone yet in case of 'big drama' so unfortunately not yet. The councilors will announce it once the baby's born. Because of the fact that people will probably think I'm not taking my position seriously if I'm the first pregnant councilor in session.

    I guess that makes sense. Biana replied.

    Sophie looked at the time. Oh crud, sorry Biana but I have to go to my monthly appointment. Livvy's checking on me this time. And I'm now less than a month away. Are you that close already? Biana asked. Elves don't usually keep track of time so it's kind of weird.

    Once Sophie made it to her appointment, she was informed that she had to come in in two weeks because she would be in labor around that time.

A month later.

E— Sophie and Keefe's baby still hadn't been born yet. Key word yet.

    Their baby was about to be born.

    Sophie's water broke.

    Keefe was holding her hand. Just breathe Sophie. You got this.

    An hour later their third child's—Emma Violet Foster was born. Hello! A chipper voice said to Sophie after her birth.

    Keefe wouldn't stop smiling, while Sophie wouldn't stop happy crying.

    Biana came over after she heard the news.

    Can I hold her? Biana asked immediately. Sophie and Keefe reluctantly handed their child to her. Aww all of your kids have brown eyes! Sophie couldn't make herself care. She was too tired. She had taken Emma's abilities away before Biana came over so there wouldn't be any drama before they became councilors.

    Biana was still looking at her eyes. But... Biana said trailing off. Emma's eyes have ice blue flecks in them! That is SO CUTE! I still can't believe I now have three godchildren!

    Sophie was still happily crying as she went to sleep. A newborn baby in her arms. Her newborn baby in her eyes. She was snuggled up with Keefe, the love of her life, and Emma the beautiful baby who she already deeply cared about.

    She couldn't wait to see her grow up and be..amazing.

~~Keefe's POV~~

    When Emma was born, Keefe was so proud. He wanted to be there for his child. He would be a better father than his dad and he didn't want to let his children or Sophie down. But honestly...he loved the fact that now all of his children had brown eyes. They were beautiful. And even though he knew she thought they were plain, or boring, he couldn't imagine her without those golden flecks. The way they glowed when she smiled. When she was near him, he almost never saw that light go out.

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