Part 10

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The next day when zelba woke up they were greeted with home made food from their father they didn't think he could cook but to their surprise he did and he seem be waiting for them to wake up from their sleep but zelba didn't know if their father went to sleep or not but the food smell very delicious. Zelba said " mattina babbo, hai dormito la notte scorsa?", henroin just decided to not answer the question and state that zelba should tell him on how they've die and how long had they been in hell for because there's was no way in heck that his kid would survived this long without making any deals or contract because that's how it work in bloody hell everyone knows that or else those who didn't would be dead. Zelba began on telling him that when the family die they were left with the problems of them and how the town outcast them and even society had given them label of outsider of the places they lived and how zelba die somewhere past witches die a place where it was meant to be peaceful and just for beings like them but a gang enemy had killed them in that place the last thing they heard was "burn the body and burn down their house" and how they saw how the government cover for their murders story because the government was the on who hired the gang and wanted them died. He didn't know what to say because he thought that his enemy would not know about his eldest kid since they never showed up anywhere around the family or even had the same looks as his rest of the family looks. After both of them finish eating their morning breakfast, zelba was not feeling good about staying longer than they should with their father because they knew how their father got when anybody over stayed or just didn't want to leave. They felt like they couldn't breath like everything was going fast and it weighted so heavy they were having a panic attack, the memories,they had to grip the edge of their fathers desk office they couldn't see their father, tears were falling down their face they were having a bad morning like they always have since they've been alive ounces. Their father acted out and went for the first time ever to hug them and kept them in his arms tight "there their breathe everything is okay brat...everything is fine you are okay zelba you are alright just calm down and breathe in and out". After that chaos they were okay and their father had made them a cup of tea. They were not really into coffee like their family was but they enjoyed their time with their father and departed from their father and vanished to avoid trouble for him. They had no choice but to do it and to top it off they had to find that strange name called hotel to be able stay and gather information on hell and how to get back to earth as a way to have a vindication on earth and by the time period on earth is should be 2022 because they could tell from demon age? Looks.

(alright I don't know what else to put on my fiction story I'm not very good with this part of the story alright I always get tired on this part because I don't go far then that in my imaginations or dreams like I have so many dreams but I never get far in finishing them I get stuck -' _'-) (also I don't know if I'll continue with the story or not maybe when I finish the rest my work of school or even this story. I may or may not finish this story if I get back to it).

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