𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 2

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And that someone is.......

Hanbin. "Oh- I-im sorry Hanbin..." Hao said without making eye contact. "Watch where youre going, idiot." Hanbin spat at the older and bumped him at the shoulder while walking past him, leaving Zhang hao standing alone. The older sighed and walked to the bathroom.

"Stupid. Stupid. STUPID!" Zhang hao said to himself while looking at himself in the mirror. "Damn, i look like a mess." Hao said and fixed himself. He then heard a group of boys outside of the bathroom so he quickly went in one of the bathroom stalls. "Yah, Hanbin-ah! What do you think of that Zhang hao guy?" Someone with a familiar voice asked "Oh, the idiot? Heh, i hate him." Hanbin simply answered making Hao upset. "Whyd you ask Yongju?" Hanbin asked the other "Yongju?" Hao thought to himself "oh its just that he used to have a HUGE crush on me, and thats when i found out that he was gay. He gets on my nerves. Good thing you hate him too." Yongju explained and Zhang hao was shocked that he told Hanbin that. Zhang hao was tearing up but he didnt want to leave the stall. "You hate him because hes gay?" Hanbin asked and Yongju nodded "yeah, dont you hate him because hes gay?" Yongju asked "N-no? I hate him because of a different reason." Hanbin hesitantly said Zhang hao was so done of them talking behind his back so he decided to flush the toilet and walk out the bathroom stall with tears in his eyes "Oh look who it is the gay fre-" Yongju's words got cut off by Zhang hao's door slam

Zhang hao ran out of the bathroom crying, he didnt see who was in front of him and accidentally bumped into someone. Again. Zhang hao looked up and saw Jiwoong, Hanbin's best friend. "I-im sorry hyung." Zhang hao backing up from the olders arms, wiping his tears. "Why are you crying?" Jiwoong asked looking into the chineses eyes "Yongju told Hanbin that im gay and they talked shit about me." Hao said while sniffing. Jiwoong's mouth agape in shock but walked towards Hao and hugged him, as he hugged him Hao brokedown into his arms again. Hanbin and Yongju came out of the bathroom and Hanbin saw Zhang hao and Jiwoong hugging, he didnt know why he felt like his chest tighten from the view.

The next day Hanbin acted even more cold towards Zhang hao and a bit cold to Jiwoong, but Zhang hao didnt do anything about it because he cant tell the difference between the two different types of coldness from Hanbin. Zhang hao came to school wearing a dark red hoodie he hid his face from everyone since Yongju probably told everyone in the school about his sexuality. While he was walking towards his class he saw everyone whispering to each other, glaring at him, "theyre gossiping about me." Hao thought and he quickly walked towards his class but while he was walking, he saw tons of people crowding around somewhere, so he looked over and saw a poster saying "The nerd, Zhang hao is gay!" With a picture of Zhang hao in the center. Hao gasped and ran to the bathroom, Kuanjui and Ricky saw Hao run to the bathroom so they decided to run after him.

"Hao! Its us. Open the door." Kuanjui knocked on the bathroom stall door, waiting for Hao to open the door. The bathroom door opened and revealed a tired Hanbin. He looked up to see Kuanjui and Ricky standing in front of a bathroom stall "it must be Hao hyung." Hanbin thought, he walked to the sink and washed his face. The bathroom was filled with silence when Hanbin arrived, Hao was confused why it was suddenly silent so he decided to leave the bathroom stall, Rui and Ricky both looked at Hao then Hanbin. The olders eyes widen when he saw Hanbin in the bathroom, Hanbin looked at Zhang Hao from the mirror then turned around to fully look at him with a straight face. Hao couldnt look at Hanbin because he was scared that Hanbin would do something to him, Hanbin then walked slowly towards Zhang hao and leaned over so he can whisper in his ear. "I wasnt the one who put up those posters." Hanbin whispered into the olders ear, then walked out of the bathroom.

The end of chapter 2!! This whole chapter i made up on the spot, it might not be that good since i just made it up but ill try to make it make sense when i do it with the story that i wrote in my notebook! And dont mind me writing bathroom instead of restroom, is just that i say bathroom and not usually restroom. And sorry if the paragraphs make it difficult to read, i write in it paragraphs because thats the way i do it in my notebook, so probably the whole story will be in paragraphs.  Anyways hope you guys enjoyed!!!

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