𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 7

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It was lunch time, again, and Hanbin was going to sit with Zhang hao. He was skipping to the cafeteria with a smile on his face, his bestfriends, Gyuvin, Matthew and Jiwoong were just walking behind the happy boy.

They arrived at the cafeteria and Hanbin's smile dropped. He saw a guy talking with Zhang hao and the guy sat beside him, smiling and laughing with each other. That made Hanbin furious, he decided to walk over there. "Hey hyung. I wanted to sit here but this guy took it." Hanbin said aggressively and Hao and the guy looked at each other before looking back at Hanbin. "Well sorry not sorry bro, i came here first." The guy said looking up at Hanbin. "Hyeonjeong. Dont." Zhang hao said while patting his shoulder. "Hyeonjeong? Lee Hyeonjeong? Jeonghyeon's younger brother?" Hanbin scoffed and the younger nodded "i didnt know Jeonghyeon's brother is such a jerk." Hanbin said and Hyeonjeong stood up glaring into Hanbin's eyes and Hanbin did the same.

Zhang hao sighed and facepalmed himself. "Ugh, why did this have to happen?" Zhang hao whispered "how am i the jerk?? Im just sitting beside Hao hyung. Youre the one starting the argument here." Hyeonjeong argued and Hanbin clenched his jaw. "Me? Starting the argument??" Hanbin scoffed again. "Youre the one who sat there. You could've sat somewhere else, and you chose to sit here??" Hanbin spatted "is your name on the seat? No. So i can sit wherever i want!" Hyeonjeong shouted at the older.  "Hanbin, stop please." Hao begged and grabbed Hanbin's arm. "Yeah, stop arguing and let me sit here, beside Hao hyung, in peace."  Hyeonjeong smirked and Hanbin looked at Zhang hao before smirking at Hyeonjeong. "Well, i guess youre right. But remember this. Hao. Hyung. Is. Mine." Hanbin said before leaving them alone and walked away, Kuanjui and Ricky both looked at each other and smirked. But Hyeonjeong taunted Hanbin. "Oh really? How can you say that Zhang hao hyung is yours, when hes not even agreeing to what youre saying?" Hyeonjeong smirked once again, Hanbin turned around and glared at Hyeonjeong, then looking at Zhang hao to see what he'll say. Zhang hao just avoids eye contact with Hanbin, not answering. Hanbin was offended by the olders actions and left the cafeteria, feeling upset and betrayed. Hyeonjeong smirked and was about to sit beside Hao, but when he sat down, Hao stood up and ran after Hanbin.

Hyeonjeong sighed, "yah, Lee Hyeonjeong!!" He sighed again knowing who called him. "What hyung?" He looked over at his older brother, Jeonghyeon with an annoyed face. "What the fuck was that? I told you to not bother or fight anyone here anymore!" Jeonghyeon spatted at his younger brother and he just rolled his eyes at the olders words. "You better apologize to both of them or else ill tell mom and dad. Do you want them to know that you caused another problem?" Jeonghyeon threatened. "Ugh fine. But can i do it later. I havent eaten yet." Hyeonjeong sighed then pouted, Jeonghyeon just nodded

Zhang hao ran after Hanbin. "Hanbin-ah!!" Zhang hao shouted while running towards Hanbin, he turned around seeing the older running with his eyes closed so Hanbin stopped and caught Zhang hao in his arms. "Why were you running with your eyes closed?" Hanbin said in a soft tone which made Zhang hao stumble. "I-i-i was tired, i dont usually do sports." Zhang hao said while catching his breath, Hanbin smiled adoring the older. He fixed the olders crooked bow, even though Zhang hao was a bit taller, he was still a tiny guy whenever hes with Hanbin.

When Zhang hao finally caught his breath, he got out of Hanbin's arms and inhaled before saying something. "Im sorry." Was all that left Zhang hao's mouth and Hanbin was confused. "Why are you apologizing hyung?" Hanbin made Zhang hao look at him "because of what happened earlier, sorry i didnt answer, it was just so much pressure to answer." Zhang hao looked down whiel fidgeting his fingers. "Im the sorry one hyung. I shouldve have argued with him." Zhang hao looked back up into Hanbin's eyes with glistening eyes.

Hanbin cupped Zhang hao's face with teary eyes, Zhang hao was worried. "W-why are you tearing up?" Hao asked while wiping the youngers tears and Hanbin smiled then sighed in relief. "Gosh, hyung, i love you so much." Hanbin smiled again and stared into Zhang hao's eyes softly, Zhang hao smiled. "I love you too Hanbin-ah." Hanbin's eyes widen then soften and connected their foreheads together. "I promise ill be with you forever. Dont leave me again." Hanbin said while closing his eyes. Hanbin lifted his head and cupped the older face again but this time he pulled Hao's face closer and connected their lips together, Hao was shocked at first but then kissed him back. Hanbin broke the kiss and asked "Can i be your boyfriend, hyung?" Zhang hao was caught off guard from the youngers words, then nodded and they both hugged. Hanbin kissed Zhang hao again and smiled at each other.

The end of chapter 7!! This is the last chapter!! Its pretty rushed since i wrote this during class so it might not be that good. Thank you so much for all the votes and support!! Now that this book is done ill focus on my enhypen imagines book.

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