if you fell asleep on the floor

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Bierce: looks at you dissapointed cause you tried so hard to stay awake but fell asleep.

Malak: looks at you confused then teleports you to a bed or sofa.

Murder Monkies and Chef Monkies: wakes you up and tells that you should sleep on a bed not on the floor.

Agatha: places a pillow under your head then brings a blanket and covers you with it, leaving your head seen.

Gold Watchers: carries you to bed and tucks you in.

Dread Duckies: places you on theyre lap.

Gremlin Clowns: drags you to bed since they cant carry you.

Reaper Nurses: places you on one of the sofas and covers half your body with a blanket.

Lucky The Rabbit: confused at first then carries you on his back until he reaches your bedroom.

Penny The Chicken: gets worried for a second because she thought you were dead, after she realizes she wakes you up.

Hangry The Pig: stares at you thinking that you sleepwalked all the way from your bedroom to a random room then fell on the floor, then he'll carry you to bed.

Mama Bear: carries you in bridal style then places you on a bed then kisses your forehead.

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