if you bought 100 plushies

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Bierce: gets dissapointed in you for spending your money. on plushies.

Malak: looks at you confused then ignores you.

Murder Monkies and Chef Monkies: wondering why the hell you bought 100 plushies.

Agatha: gets super happy.

Gold Watchers: looks at you awkwardly before scooting away.

Dread Duckies and Doom Ducky: stays quiet for a long 6 hours.

Gremlin Clowns: hides all of them cause it causes a mess.

Reaper Nurses: facepalms.

Lucky The Rabbit: gives you that 'seriously?' look.

Penny The Chicken: gives you an awkward thumbs up while smiling.

Hangry The Pig: doesnt care and only wants to eat his ribs.

Mama Bear: helps you tidy up and find your plushies if they were missing.

Trigger Teddies: takes 1 plushie then shares with the others.

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