Love and Hate are on the same Borderline Hun.

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I know lots of people disgrace things like street fighting or stealing or street racing, or anything that's not proper. But one thing that I've learned in life, is that you gotta do whatcha gotta do.

So that leads to why I was tip toeing past Hellen's door, trying my best not to wake her. She's the most light sleeper here at Helen's Orphanage. Yea, ok, sure. I'm an Orphan. But I've gotten used to it. Helen wasn't one with words, so she beat us kids. She used all the money that she got, and her husband and herself went and got drunk. After happy hour, comes the beatings. I never let the kids get hit, so I usally take the beatings.

I had just came back to the house after my training, to try to tip toe past her door. Quote the 'try.' As I was sneakily tip toeing I walked right into the night stand by the couch. I fell with a loud thud, and a curse.

Helen's door opened loudly, and she stumbled out of the hall and into the living room. Her gaze fixed on me, she stumbled over to the couch and whacked me upside the head. I internally groaned. She has a hard hit when she's hung over and mad. I sat up staighter and waited for the interagations to start.

"I was wondering when you were going to come home." She sneered at me. Her loose Black Eyed Peas shirt clung to her skin, she pushed her bangs backl up to her head and wrung the beer from her shirt.

I couldn't help but gag. Gross. She looked up at me, well, it was more like a glare. I shrugged mentally and smiled innocently at her.

"Why, oh so great Hellen?" I asked sarcastically. She didn't even know. She smiled a genuine smiel and me-


A genuine smile? When has she ever smiled one of those?

"Because, you've been asigned to meet up with a family. You'll finally leave." She said, faking excitement. I stared at her with shock. How am I going to keep the kids safe.

There's only one answer.

Not go with the family.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I smashed my fist onto the snooze button, and I was legitly surprised to see the blood dripping from fist. I smiled with humor, to see the God forsaken thing smashed into peices. I laughed queitly, and got up to get dressed.

I threw on some jean shorts, a black tank top, with a blue cardigan. I slipped my feet into the all time favourite sneaker, my green and white Adidas.

I crossed over past Shyla,(roommate) and over to our mirror. I straightened my brown hair and let it sit over my shoulders. You see, I have really long hair. It's down to my waist. I've been growing it since I was thirteen. It has natural blonde streaks which I love.

I quickly put eyeliner on and leaped out of the room.

It was the mornign to meet the family.

There sitting, covering twocouches were a family. The dad, had brown hair, and blue eyes, and the mom had blonde hair and grey eyes. Around them were quaduplits. They all looked exactly the same. Each had brown hair with blonde streaks and violet eyes.

Wanna know the weird part though?

They all looked like me.


I stopped and sat on the opposite couch and looked the Dad in the eye. My emotionless face was on, I was ready.

I had come up with the conclusion that these people were my real parents, my real brothers. Except that a real family would never give their daughter away to be man handled for seventeen years.

Love and Hate are on the same Borderline Hun.Where stories live. Discover now