" Another mere..human "

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( Your Name Is yui for this story feel free to change it if you please)
( also this story will contain NSWF in future chapters )

" Yuiiii wake up!" mother called from the hallway , I could hear her soft footsteps approaching my room where she Slid my door open. " Yui I need you to freshen up so you can go fetch us some Firewood!" She called out while Slipping some slippers on the floor before departing.

I groaned and Sat up stretching My back.

I Eventually got up and made my bed , brushed my teeth and Got ready for today.

I Ran out my room struggling to get my slippers on. " Ah Yui there you are!" My sweet father called " Here's some money for the wood!" He smiled placing some money in my palm

I Skipped outside and changed my slippers to my outside shoes.

As I whistled a tune I decided I would Grab some eggs as well from a local vendor since we're running low.

After Buying Firewood I hauled it behind my shoulder. Noticing that I was unfamiliar with this side of the village I decided to kill time wandering around Before I went to get some eggs.

I looked and admired the Village's beauty seeing People and children out playing reminded me of my childhood .

It was now sunset and you noticed most people were heading inside quickly.

You saw the Old vendor who was cleaning up to close his shop.

" Oh I'm so sorry sir to bother you sir but do you have any eggs leftover?" You peek your head in.

The man looked at me In old Geezer annoyance.

" Yeah yeah.. how much?" The old man asked

"A dozen would be amazing!"

The old man shuffled around and Turned to give me a dozen eggs

I payed him and thanked him

As soon as I turned to leave he stopped me

" Are you from this part of the village girl..?" He wheezed

" mm no..I'm from the other side " i answered puzzled

" And your out here on your own at this time?" The old man's Tone went cold

" Is there something wrong? " I asked a bit worried

" have your parents not warned you about the 4 Demons on the lurk here at night?.." the old man's face went pale with fear.

" Demons?.. I thought those were just stories used to scare children who misbehaved " I Chuckled awkwardly.

The old man stared at me with a fearful expression.

" hurry home child..you might be in time if you rush.." the old man spoke with a shaky voice

And with that  I left the Shop

" wonder if he was trying to scare me.."

As I got home the sun just barely disappeared .

Once I got home I got bored after dinner , I did the dishes as my parents Drifted to sleep
"I'm bored out of my mind.."  I whispered to myself.

I took a peek outside the window from the kitchen sink and saw how beautiful the moon was shining over the forest glazing each gap of the trees onto the ground .

I decided I was going to take a stroll since I knew the forest so well and I was sure the geezer was trying to frighten me  so I would be fine .

As I stepped outside the air was so crisp outside so it made it better for me to take a stroll .

I took a small lantern and jacket with me in case it got darker or colder .

And with that I slipped into the Deep forest.

I started by climbing over abnormally big Roots of trees and Jumping over small streams  and ditches .

After a few minutes of walking I noticed a Fairly big area of just flat dirt that the moon shone on.

I stepped in it And looked up .

" an Astroid must've crashed here at one point" I spoke to myself as I looked up at the gorgeous sky

You could see all the stars visible from here..

I decided to sit down on a tree root and admire the sky .

As I sighed I could hear a Crunching noise coming from behind me.

I turned quickly and saw ..


I sighed and brushed it off as a deer or a tree branch falling.

Then after a few minutes later I could hear.. metal Jingles?.. I stood up at this point and looked around

I was quite worried and afraid so I decided to call it a night and leave .

I bent over and picked up my lantern from the floor .

There it was again.. a metal jingle this time followed by a gush of wind in front of me .  I looked up quickly and saw A large man Wearing a red kimono and holding a large golden staff with golden rings around it . 

I couldn't believe what I was seeing this ..man had Blood soaked eyes with the writing " Upper 4" in his eyes ..this must be a demon..

He looked at me .." Another mere..human.." he Growled in disgust..

( Stay tuned for The next Part )

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