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( chapter 3)

" About what?.." I Looked at her from under the covers of my Blanket.

" We need to consider You moving out.." I could hear the tone of guilt in my mothers voice.
" I'm sorry Yui but..your father is getting sick and we just Can't go to a hospital knowing that you'll be here"

I wouldn't blame her on this . I was planning on moving out..

Before that night.

"Yui I know That night must've been terrible for you but You have to learn how to move on at one point.." my mother said her tone was Serious and firm.

She did have a point.. I was being such a coward these past 4 months

I need to get my stuff together..

( A couple of months pass)

" Are you sure you'll be okay .." my mother asked grasping both my hands in between hers.

" yes yes mother..I won't be that far.." I reassured her.

Father had an old friend that built a nice house up the mountain between the forest and Allowed me to live there .

As I got settled in to my new home I became much More at peace. The house was very nice and Had a huge window In the living room that let in an amazing amount of sunlight in.

But..the sun was about to set..and I was on my way getting groceries..

It'll be fine..I told myself
I could get back just in Time..

The sun was set by the time I was halfway through The forest on my way home..

I figured I would stop by my parent's was my first Night and I didn't want to seem like a coward ..

As I was crunching my way through the leaves. I heard it...the metal Jingles..

My sweat turned cold..

Then the paranoia set in

" what if it's him.."

My mind went through a frenzy on trying to remember his name..

" Karaku?..urogi..wait what was the blue ones name..?"

A deep growl sounded from the trees above me..

I looked up and saw a glowing pare of red eyes..

There's no time for this..

I dropped my groceries and Bolted to My house..
As I Climbed my way through this steep mountain I could see Faint lights of my house.

Yes! I was almost there..
Then ..a loud bang and last thing I heard was electrical buzzing..
Then it went black.

When I woke up
I was..
Tied up?..

I Flinched hard when I heard Two wicked laughters..they sounded like Hyenas from hell..

I could hear my heart pounding in my ears

Once my vision cleared up..there they were..
The same demons I saw Those 4 months ago..
The green and yellow one were The ones laughing.. the blue one just stood in the corner looking at me with pity..

And there he was..I could recognize his red glowing eyes anywhere...

I stood there speechless as he kneeled down to me and held my chin up..
" told you I'd be back for you.. " he smiled evilly..

He turned to his Companions" what do you think on how should we start this fun.." He looked at me with a wink

My eyes were wider than ever and I was in pure shock..

" I say We Play Jumprope with Her Large intestine!" the Eagle one Announced proudly

The Green one Smacked his head

" I saw We Take our turns on her in another fun way.." the green one Announced while looking at me seductively

This made my heart drop.

" No you Idiots!" The red one growled at them while Smacking The both of them
He Rubbed his forehead
"Ugh... Aizetsu what do you suppose we do.." He Growled And looked at the blue eyed demon.

" I say we Ask her what she's most Afraid of  and do just that.." He said Solemnly

The red eyed demon pondered for a second..

"Maybe.." he growled..

" I can See blood Tracks leading over here!"
A voice called from The outside of  the shack we were in.

It was human!
This must be the demon slayers!
I felt relieved..the demon slayers are strong people right?..Im saved!..

The red eyed demon shot his head around and Stormed outside.

Then I heard it..
The horrifying sound Of blood curling screams..bone Crunching meat Squelching And Chokes And gags.. coming from outside..

I was in pure shock..

The eagle and green demon Laughed their heads off..

Speaking of heads off..

The red eyed demon Stepped back in holding a woman's head.. he then
Threw it at the wall..

At this point I could feel tears Slide down my cheeks.
" Please.." I gagged out

"Please don't kill me.." I sobbed silently..

" Awhhh.." the green eyed demon cooed

"We're not gonna kill you.." He wiped a tear off my cheek.
"We're gonna Eat you up.." he smiled wickedly before cackling ..

" Oh!" He catched his breath " We haven't introduced ourselves!" he Chirped

" I'm Karaku..the pleasure demon .." he winked
"This here is Urogi! aizetsu andddddd The Sekido!" He spun around before Facing me again.

"What's Your name.." He looked at me with a hungry look.. 
"Yui.." I choked  out

" that's a lovely name!" he Cheered His voice suddenly cheery and sweet.

I was absolutely disgusted From these Demons..

I felt a Breeze of cold wind behind me

I caught a glimpse of Aizetsu..? Untying me As The others were suddenly distracted. ..

(  sorry if this chapter kinda sucked I'm Lackin Rn :,) , But stay Tuned for part 4!)

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