Man eating Demons

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( Part 7!)

After Sekido left I just sat there sore from the Crazy Orgasm he just caused me.. I sighed and got in a robe and Locked all my doors.

Just in case he came back..

I sat down on my bed and Closed my eyes still processing what just happened .

I was grateful that I survived but..I couldn't stop wishing he had stayed the night..

I slapped myself

I cant be thinking this way..

"He's a man eating demon..!" I spoke to myself trying to convince myself that it wouldn't work out..

Plus I heard him..I'm just an object to him..a tool for his own pleasure.

I sighed harshly and Threw myself on my bed. As I stared at the celling fan ..

I didn't remember what I did after that but I remember waking up with a major headache.

I walked to the bathroom and as soon I saw myself in the mirror I knew something was off..

I Ripped my robe off and Froze in terror as I saw There were bruises on my shoulder..hickeys everywhere ..and some scratch marks on my chest..

I Immediately got in the shower where I completely washed myself before Slipping into my clothes for the day.

I have to cover this up..

I Sat down in front of my vanity and Began trying to blend some concealer on the hickeys and bruises before I would head out to the grocery store.

I Stepped outside where I changed my shoes and I noticed..something weird..

There were Leaf patterns imprinted into the floor ..

"Odd" I said

I brushed it off and Made my way down the mountain.

I just figured out there were stairs all along that lead up and down the entire mountain.

Id have to go up one day for the view .

Once I arrived at the store I was minding my business until I overheard the chattering and whispers of other shoppers.

" did you hear about What they found in The old abandoned shack Uphill?" A woman Spoke

" apparently they found four men and 3 demon slayer remains there.." she said With a worry some tone.

" that's terrible..and terrifying they should send higher ranks again! So far they haven't been able to do anything since there's been so many injuries around here .." the other Covered her mouth and looked down.

I Broke a small sweat and went to check my things out.

As I was walking home I passed by my parents house..

Seems like they're not home yet..

( At Yuis house )

I just got done cleaning and Making dinner for myself .

Then I decided to study a bit before the sun was making its way down..

" Okay! This time I will be home by the time the sun sets!" I roared before going up the stairs that led towards the very top of the mountain

This was harder than I expected..the hill..

So steep..

I definitely broke some sweats but I made it!

I sat down near a patchy green grass patch and decided to admire the sun setting and it's soft golden glow glazing the village and everything in it .

I've always like the warmth of the reminded me of the food my mother made when I fell ill as a child.

After a few minutes I decided it was time to go down since I'd be down there when the suns gone.

As I made my way down I Noticed the same green patterns Near a brush by the stairs...

"Odd..these are the same ones that were at my house.." I said while I squatted down examining them.

Weirded out I decided that it was bad for me to be out now and I made my way down as fast as possible..

I could see my house in sight now!

I was going to make it home.. then
Out of nowhere..

From a dark shadow under the tree..a hand grabbed  my shoulder and Pulled me In.

I tried screaming but a hand immediately slapped across my mouth. I look up and see ...Sekido..smiling down at me mischievously..

Wait no...

This wasn't Sekido...

The voice started giggling " I knew it!" It yelled

" Sekido was keeping this desert all to himself! " he Snickered as he raised me up to his face with one arm..

Now I knew who this was...

He stuck out his tongue..


It was Karaku...

( stay tuned to see what Karaku does To the reader next!)

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