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At the castle of Azure kingdom

Jimin walked back to his chamber with heavy heart and heavy steps.....he couldn't even imagine letting his sister to marry 7 vampires.....

His sister who's too fragile and innocent for this world , his sister who love and cares alot for him and everyone.....after loosing his father he can't bare the thought of loosing any other person.....

The minister came in while rushing into his chamber but looking at his distressed face and emotions he knew something wasn't right.....

"Your highness , what happened? Why are you looking like this?" He said and took a handkerchief from his cupboard and dabbed away the sweat forming on Jimin's forehead.....

"I can't do this minister Jeon".....he cried out whilst looking him in the eye making eye contact with the tears forming in his eyes....... "What happened Jimin?" The minister , always loved him like his own son hence hee couldn't bare seeing him breaking infront of him like this.....

"Th-they said that the only way of resolving this issue is to let my sister marry their 7 sons as they are destined to be each other's soulmates" Jimin said while crying.....this shocked minister as he also sees the princess as his own daughter which he never had ....all this brought tears into his eyes

"Isn't there any other way of stopping this all?" The minister chocked out.....
Jimin shook his head vigorously feeling more tears coming out of his eyes.....

His sister , though they fought alot yet they loved and cherished each other alot ....his sister's laugh which he always loved to hear.....his sister's eyes which turned crescent everytime she laughed....he knew how much everyone hurted her in the past and he also know how much affirmative and assurance words she require as she becomes anxious and overthinks everything hasn't been a year since she recovered from her past trauma and now he can't bring herself to even ask her to marry vampires.....

"my lord , I'm afraid we've to do this" said minister...... "Give me sometime alone minister Jeon" said Jimin.....
"For sure , your highness" said minister and he stood up ready to leave....

"How can I say this to her?" Asked Jimin while seeing the minister leaving not knowing that there was someone who heard all of the conversation between minister and Jimin.


Jiwoo's pov

I can't believe what I just heard.... I've to marry the 7 vampire princes of Kingdom Decelis..... This can't be happening......
I broke down infront of the mirror in my chamber.....

The pure and innocent love I've always wanted.... Falling in love in the most unexpected time , with the most unexpected person , no forced chemistry just pure love and connection created on its own .....

But I know I've to do this....I can't just let the people of my kingdom die for nothing even if that means to sacrifice my life for the people of the kingdom I'll gladly do it everytime......

But still , I never thought that being a princess would come with the cost of my life.

After giving all this a long thought  I went to Jimin's chamber only to see him staring into nothing with his eyes all red.....

"Jimin-ssi , why? What happened? I know it's a hard time for the kingdom but please stay strong" he looked towards me with more teary eyes but he seemed to control his tears....."Ayyy- the new king of the kingdom Azure is here , crying his eyes out not trying to save his kingdom" I said to make the atmosphere light but it didn't happened instead it made it worse.

"Jiwoo" he cried out , "if only it was easy to save the kingdom , I would've did it" he completed his sentence whilst tears kept flowing through his eyes......

"Oppa , I am ready to do this" he looked towards me with wide eyes "what? For what?" He said still with his eyes wide open....."I'm ready to marry the Vampire princes" I completed my sentence whilst trying to stay calm

"Hahaha , what are you talking about? Why would you marry them.... you'll soon find the love of your life and then you'll marry remember how you fantasize your love story? Falling in love at most unexpected time and with most unexpected person" he finished himself with a small giggle.

"I heard you and minister Jeon talking awhile ago." I said creating tension in the atmosphere....." No , you don't have to sacrifice yourself , Jiwoo.... I'll find out another way to this" he said but there was no hope in his voice as he knew it's useless when they have finally placed their demand

"oppa , as the princess of this kingdom , I've never did anything.....tell me what did  I've done in my whole life? Living in royalty , eating nice food wearing beautiful clothes and jewels .....but there are other people's who couldn't even afford as a princess I couldn't do much for everyone but if marrying to the vampire princes will save everyone's life , I'll gladly do it everytime " I finished my sentence with hope and determination whereas Jimin was infront of me with his tears streaming down his face

"Sorry Jiwoo....I can't do anything....when did you grow up this much , hm?.... don't worry I'll talk to them once again" said Jimin while hugging me.....

As both the brother and sister were comforting each other , minister Jeon entered the chamber with panic written on his face and with a long list of all the people who died ......

"I'm afraid your highness , you've to do as the vampires said because the sun will set in 2 hours and the attacks will start and we've already lost many people of our kingdom" said minister Jeon

"What should I do , minister Jeon?" Asked Jimin

"Just let your sister to be married to the vampire princes" said the minister...
"NOO" he screamed on top his lungs not wanting to let his sister going into death trap....."my majesty , you know that the vampires will not sign the treaty of peace....since this is the only way to save many other lives you've to do this and as the princess of this kingdom your sister have to sacrifice.....this is the only way your highness " he cried out his last words knowing how many people are suffering

"ask the royals to have a meeting , I'll see about that" replied the new king of the kingdom "Azure"


End of chapter-3

Author's note:- is there anyone reading my boring story?

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