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Jeongyeon opens her eyes and looks at her. "Can I tell you something"? Nayeon says. "Sure, tell me" Jeongyeon says. "So last time when I came to your house and I overreacted it hurt myself when I said that let's stop seeing each other. I felt really bad saying that to you. I know I confessed first and it was not even your fault. I just wanted to take sometime apart but I regretted that the most, also the post that you saw on my SNS, I didn't post it. Momo did and I'm saying the truth. I missed you a lot after that, I cried for you everyday, you were, I mean, are my everything, I love you Jeongie" Nayeon says with tears in her eyes. "Awww, you missed me? I missed you more actually that's why I starting writing a book on you and me. You made my nights sleepless, I did nothing but cry, my eyes were literally red from crying and I was cold. I wish you were with me at that point of time to keep me warm with your hugs and your kisses. I spoke to Jihyo so many times whether I should contact you or not, but I thought you probably forgot about me. Jihyo told me to give you time. I missed you so much, again I'm saying, I love you too Nayeoniee baby". Nayeon looks into Jeongyeon's eyes and smiles at her. Jeongyeon smiles back at her. Jeongyeon asks, "should we call Jihyo"? Nayeon says, "yes let's do that"!! Jeongyeon calls Jihyo. "Hey dude, can you come over right now? we need to tell you something really important" Jeongyeon says. "Who's we? And sure, be there in 5" Jihyo says. "You'll see the "we"" Jeongyeon says while winking at Nayeon. "Okay then, I'll come soon" Jihyo says. "Cool then, see ya".

Jihyo POV

Who could it be? I'm so confused. Let's just make a move and go to her place then, I wonder what's so important. Hmm.

Jihyo takes out her car from the driveway amd heads to Jeongyeon's condo. She presses the door bell. Jeongyeon opens it. Hey girl, come on in, I need to tell ypu something like I told you on the phone. "Okay, what is it"? Jihyo says while she comes in her bestie's house. "So....." Jeongyeon starts. "Nayeon and I are together now. "Wow that's great"!! Jihyo says. "What caused the change"? She further says. "So actually Momo us cheating on me and I was never happy in that relationship, so I came over to Jeongie's house to talk about this. She told me that she missed me even I told her that I missed her, we are together now. NaJeong forever. "And also....." Nayeon goes on to say. "Shhh, don't tell, that's between us, its private, don't pls" Jeongyeon whispers in her ear. "What what what are you guys murmuring, I wanna know"!! Jihyo says. "Oh nothing important, girl chill, just be happy that we're together now. You also better find yourself a partner, alright"? Jeongyeon says. "Nah I'm happy single, I'm so happy for you guys" Jihyo says. "But you have to tell me what you were trying to say"?!! Jihyo further says. "Fine, okay we kissed here on the couch" Jeongyeon says. "Aw that's adorable"!! Jihyo says. "I so ship y'all, you guys look cute together. Nayeon, you belong with her, not Momo. She's a player. Yes I know that now, so even you listen, me and Jeongyeon have found a way to teach her a lesson" Nayeon says. "Oh wow what's that"? So basically.............". She says. "Wow that's brilliant!! You guys are so intelligent"!! I know we are haha lol" Jeongyeon says. "Okay so I'll get going, I need to meet Tzuyu" Jihyo says. "You meet Tzuyu a lot these days, are you guys dating"? Jeongyeon says. "Oh no, not only her, I'm meeting Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Tzuyu, me and Tzuyu aren't dating. Actually you guys should know this, Tzuyu likes Sana" Jihyl says. "Oh wow, has she confessed yet"? Nayeon asks. "Not yet, she's shy and she feels Sana will play her, but I mean, Sana has changed, a lot, she's not like her best friend Momo. I think they aren't friends now, but not sure" Jihyo says.


Sana texts Momo.

I need to talk to you

What is it?

I can't be friends with you now

Cause you're my best friend? Haha got you there Sha.

Momo I'm serious, I can't be friends with a player like you, after what you did to Nayeon.

What? Aren't you the one, who taught me all this? How could you Sana, and since when do you care about those ugly bitches?!!

Dude stop calling them that, I'm part of Jeongyeon's friend group now, and I've left being a player, I want to be my real self now, it's  not fun honestly, playing with people's hearts, it's not good, it hurts, imagine if I was played, I'd be devastated, I even apologised to Jeong.

Whatever, I'll still have fun, and we're no longer friends now, goodbye Sana.

Goodbye, don't you text me ever again, I'm done.

*Sana blocks Momo*

Tzuyu texts Sana cause she saw that she had changed, she made up her mind, she knows Sana isn't a player anymore. And well she was right. Well Sana and Momo aren't friends anymore so obviously.

Hi Sana

Oh hey, what's up?

Can I talk to you about something?

sure, what is it?

not on text, can we meet?

sure, let's meet at your place

Okay waiting for you

Sana POV

What does she want to talk to me about? Let's see.

Sana went to Tzuyu's house and pressed the door bell. Tzuyu opened the door. "Hi, what did you want to talk to me about"? Sana asks. "Come in first, I need to talk about something to you" Tzuyu says. Sana enters her house and gets seated on the couch. Tzuyu goes on to say, "I actually l-like you, will you be my girlfriend"? Sana was surprised. She says, "wait I thought you were straight"? Sana says. "Actually I'm gay and I'm into girls, I know that you've changed so I know you will not play me like you did with Jeongyeon" Tzuyu says. "Yep I will never, and I accept your confession, I like you too" Sana says. "Tzuyu kisses Sana on her cheek which makes the latter blush.

Meanwhile at Nayeon's house.
Momo calls Nayeon. "Hey babe, what are you up to"? Momo says. Nayeon says with a fake smile, "nothing just cleaning". "Can I come over"? Momo asks. "Actually you can't, I got lot of cleaning to be done". Momo says, "no I'm coming". Nayeon hangs up the call and makes a terrible face, she's disgusted my Momo's presence. "Ugh whatever" Nayeon complains. Momo reaches her "fiancé's" house and presses the door bell.

To be continued.....

Hope you guys enjoyed!!

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