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"Okay I won't cry Jeongie" Nayeon says. "Come here babe" Jeongyeon says. Nayeon goes over to her. Jeongyeon takes her hand and lays down with her on the couch. She looks at Nayeon who's blushing. She caresses Nayeon's face and wraps her leg around Nayeon's and hugs her really tight. She plays with the latter's hair. She comes closer with their faces very close to each other. She kisses Nayeon's nose. Nayeon kisses her on her cheek. She gets up and makes Nayeon get up too. Nayeon lays down in Jeongyeon's lap. She presses the latter's temple cause Nayeon was crying so she might have a headache. "This feels so relaxing" Nayeon says. "I'm glad that it's relaxing for you, can I tell you a secret"? Jeongyeon says. "Sure, go ahead" Nayeon says. "So recently i started watching couple videos even though I don't watch all that shit, it's good but you know I like to be original"? Jeongyeon tells her. "Ohhh, and yes I know you're an original person, you don't copy anyone" Nayeon says. "Yes yes" Jeongyeon says. "What colour should we wear for the wedding"?Nayeon asks. "The colour you and Momo are wearing duhh". "No not that bitch, but makes sense" Nayeon says. "Call her and ask" Jeongyeon says. "Okay okay I'll ask" Nayeon says. Nayeon calls Momo. "Yoboseyo, what colour are we wearing for the wedding"? Nayeon asks. "Pink love" Momo says. "Mhm okay, bye". Nayeon hangs up. The phone was on speaker. "Okay you remember what I told you right"? Nayeon asks. "Yes totally, finally the plan into action".

The next day

Nayeon got ready in her pink wedding gown and Jeongyeon was in her casuals as per the plan. Nayeon left for the wedding. Momo was waiting there. She came and made a fake smile towards Momo. All the girls were there. Sana, Jihyo, Michaeng, Dahyun, Tzuyu except Jeongyeon.
Moments later Nayeon walked down the aisle and made a fake smile as if she very happy buy actually she's not. She looks into Momo's eyes being so disgusted at the sight of that bitch and Momo smiles at her, obviously a player smile. The priest says, "Hirai Momo do you take Nayeon to be your future wife"? Momo replies, "Yes I do".

Meanwhile as per plan-
Jeongyeon comes in her casuals, flared jeans with a black top. She comes searching for Nayeon and finally finds the place. She goes to the washroom, changes into a beautiful pink long top with pink flared pants with a white necklace and white heels. She breathes and says to herself, "Jeongyeon, you can do this, you love her and she loves you". Jeongyeon walks out the washroom and enters the wedding hall.

The priest continues, "Im Nayeon, do you take Momo to be your future wife, support her in life, health and vows"?

Nayeon POV

Yaah Yoo Jeongyeon, where are you, I want you here, make it fast!!

There was silence. "Miss Nayeon please answer the question" the priest says. Before Nayeon could open her mouth and say anything. Jeongyeon comes there in time and shouts, "STOP THE WEDDING"!! Everyone was in shock. Dahyun and Jihyo whispered to each other, "that's our girl, she's Yoo JEONGYEON, she can do anything"!! "Hey you, what the fuck are you doing here" Momo shouts and Jeongyeon. "I'm here to marry Nayeon, we all know you've been cheating on her"!! Jeongyeon shouts back. "What proof do you have huh"?!! Momo shouts. "Proof? Yes I do, I have a live proof"!! Jeongyeon shouts back. "What bitch"?!! Momo shouts. "You're the bitch, get lost, and here's the proof"!! Jeongyeon shouts. Jeongyeon says,"yeah you can come in". The girl who Momo was cheating with on Nayeon comes out. "Tell us what you know and don't escape, got it"?? Jeongyeon says. "Y-yeah I'll tell" the girl says. "So basically Momo has been hooking up with me ever since she laid eyes on me and at the same time she called Nayeon that I wanna get to know you amd then tried to kiss her just like she did to me. I never knew she was a player, so I melted at what she said and when she tried to kiss me the first time, I kissed back and it turned into a hookup, then we kept seeing each other when at the same time she was dating Nayeon so yeah and now Jeongyeon dragged me here forcefully to say all this, which is actually true, I'm sorry Momo but it's over, goodbye" the girl says.

"So now stop this act you cheater, I'm done with you torturing my girl" Jeongyeon says. "That's right, we love each other now, and how dare you say that I'm not into her? I love her, get that right you fucking asshole" Jeongyeon says further. "Yep and I love her, get out from my sight, I don't want to see your irritating face ever again, GET OUT"!!

Momo looks down in embarrassment. She leaves the wedding hall and thinks to herself, I thought she would be my victim but no this fucking Jeongyeon girl had to ruin this, I hate you, Nayeon and Jeongyeon.

Meanwhile at the wedding-

The priest says again, "Nayeon do you take Jeongyeon to be your faithful future wife and to assist her in all vows, needs, in health, happiness, hope"? Nayeon replies, "Yes I do"!!! The priest further says, "Jeongyeon do you take Nayeon to be your faithful future wife and to assist her in all vows, needs, in health, happiness, hope"? Jeongyeon replies, "Yes definitely, I do, I love you". The priest says, "the couple may kiss now". Jeongyeon pulls her wife into her arms and gives her a passionate kiss on her lips. Nayeon kisses back. They connect their foreheads together. She puts the ring on Nayeon's finger and vice versa. The wedding ends. "Congrats girl"!! Jihyo congratulates 2yeon. "Thanks dude, honestly the best day ever" Jeongyeon says. "Same baby, I love you" Nayeon says. "I love you more  babe" Jeongyeon says while she kisses Nayeon on her cheek. "So when did this happen"? Dahyun asks. "When did what happen"? Jeongyeon asks. "This relationship" Dahyun says. "So well we don't need to tell everything to y'all, alright"? Jeongyeon says. "No no tell please please" Dahyun says. "Well okay Jihyo tell her" Jeongyeon says. Jihyo tells Dahyun about the whole thing. "Wow you guys are good, that was a great move" Chaeyoung and Dahyun say. "Thanks guys, we're happy with each other now" Jeongyeon says. They go to their respective houses. Nayeon and Jeongyeon move in together.

To be continued....

The next one will be the last chapter!!

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