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-I'm Jimmy Kimmel and you're watching That's Life. Now we will take a break for a while, but I advise you not to switch the channel, because right after the commercial break, the youngest and most titled Hollywood star will appear in this studio — Jennie! Yes, yes. The whole world is crazy about her, film critics worship her with one voice, and directors line up in the hope that she will agree to play in their film. And in all this madness, she manages to keep her personal life under wraps. Today I will try to get our guest to talk...

I turned off the recording of yesterday's program and threw the remote on the table. There was no point in revising the show again. Recently, I knew everything about this actress that I could dig up without resorting to the services of private detectives. Often fans dug up the whole background of the actor they adored right up to the moment of birth, but not in the case of Jennie.

A few years ago, she broke into the American film industry and at once captured the minds, conquered the hearts of everyone who had ever seen her on the screen. She was smart, beautiful, sexy, and it wasn't even worth talking about the powerful energy emanating from her and just pinning you to the spot.

The world was literally going crazy for this young girl.

By the time she was twenty-five, she had a bunch of all kinds of awards from the most famous film academies and even more nominations. And with all this, no one knew what she was like outside of the film sets, in ordinary life... There were legends about her personal life, but no one confirmed any of the gossip. She was not noticed in scandals. None of the relatives sought to drag the girl into a scandal for the sake of the paparazzi. And whether these same relatives were at all, too, remained in question.

The only person who always accompanies her at all social events is her agent Kim Seokjin. But even if he is tortured, he still won't tell a word about his ward.

To this day, Jennie has remained the most mysterious actress in Hollywood.

And with this riddle, thanks to Mom, I have an interview tomorrow.

I glanced at my watch.

Although no, already today.

Damn, Jisoo, go to bed now!

After finishing the rest of the wine in my glass, I trudged to my cold bed.

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