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Wrapped in a terry towel, I turned out of the tub, wiping my wet hair. Jennie, dressed in a wide men's shirt buttoned only to the chest, was sitting leaning against pillows, with a script in her hands. A pencil stuck out in her braided hair, a phone was clamped between her shoulder and ear, she herself was intently writing something in the margins with a red pen.

-Yes, Chanyeol, I like it that way too.- More conveniently intercepting the phone, she nodded in agreement, slowly turning the pages.- Yes... no... there are a couple more places, but this episode in the text was most incomprehensible to me.- Attentively listening to what the director says to her, Jennie thoughtfully bit her lower lip.


Already with one foot on the bed, I suddenly realized that I was going to take Jennie's seductive lips right during her conversation with the director. Probably, Chanyeol will not be very happy to hear the sounds of a kiss in his handset. Probably, and Jennie is unlikely to appreciate it. Exhaling in frustration, I plopped down on the edge of the bed, taking up my wet hair again.

I don't know what time Jungkook returned, but in the morning, when I was late for work, I jumped out of the bedroom hoping for at least a cup of coffee to wake up the body, he was already sitting in the dining room and drinking this very coffee. And while I was burning the sky, choking on a hot drink, running from the bedroom to the living room and back, getting ready — sleepy Jennie, stealing a cup from Jungkook, calmly exchanged morning jokes and plans for the day with him. Struck by this friendly idyll, I froze in surprise in the middle of the kitchen, but immediately remembering that I was late, waved goodbye and flew out of the apartment.

As it turned out, I could take my time. If I, with all these trips and disguises, came to work only for lunch, Sandara did not show up at all; from time to time she sent me orders to check the fulfillment of certain instructions given by her to other employees. It was quite funny to be at the same time an ordinary full—time journalist and pretend to be the right hand of the editor-in—chief, although she actually had one - a deputy. But I meekly did everything my mother asked, realizing that this was how she was trying to show me her trust, trying to get closer to me in a way she knew. Having finished with all the instructions and reminding myself that I am also trying to establish normal human relations with my mother, I stopped by her place.

I don't know what kind of cocktail this is, "Dirty donkey", but judging by the terrible hangover of my parent, the swill is something else!

As a result, I stayed for dinner with Dara, and when I returned to the penthouse, Jennie, immersed in a conversation on the phone, didn't even seem to notice my appearance.

In the last few days, she spends quite a lot of time in the company of the script and the phone, and every time it brings me back to the question ingrained in my brain: what will happen when she starts shooting?

And why the fuck am I so afraid to ask her about it?


-Okay, what's wrong?- Suddenly, Jennie asks tensely, throwing the phone next to her on the bed and closing the script.

-What are you talking about?

-I've already seen this expression on your face: pursed lips, drawn eyebrows. You called it annoyance. So what's the matter, Jisoo?

Sighing, I turned to her, leaving my hair alone:

-I keep thinking about Jiyong's words that you have a shooting in a week. The week is running out and I'm still waiting... I just...

Unexpectedly for myself, I suddenly feel confused and strangely insecure.

I'm just what?..

I'm just waiting for you to ask me out of here?

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