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Her life had changed since Dan Bature came into it. She couldn't remember the last time Inna had thrown a wrong look at her or insulted her. She lived, even though not like other girls did at their parent's house, but decent enough. She had lived in anticipation since they finished their exams and had been waiting for the time they'd resume back to school. And not just their usual school, FGGC Daura.

Rayhan always slept and woke up with the thought in her mind, she couldn't get it past her head. Within the three months they had stayed at home without school, both Indo and Saude got married. Indo was ecstatic and she was already pregnant, Nafisa had told her, when they met yesterday. And Saude seemed to be so unhappy that they cried along with her on her wedding day.

Those three girls were all Rayhan had close to a family in her life and she cherished them so much. Yesterday they went to visit them in their houses and bade them goodbye, for today was the big day! They were going to be taken to school today! Malam Hamisu, their principal, had bought for them even the items Rayhan wasn't sure they'd ever need.

Yes, she knew he wasn't the one that paid for them, but he had done more than enough for them and she'd forever be grateful to him. He had told them yesterday that Dr Kurfi said he might come to see them off if he had the chance to. And Malam Hamisu will be the one to take them to school, or he'd send someone if he was caught up with too much work.

Earlier today, Nafisa had come to the house and met Rayhan all clad in her new uniform as she waited for when Malam Hamisu will announce his arrival so they could leave. Nafisa had laughed at how eager she looked and told her that Malam Hamisu had called her father and informed him that he would be running late. So, he might send someone or they'd just have to wait until tomorrow.

"I hope we get to leave today, Nafi, I can't sleep if we don't." She said with utmost honestly, because she was really that eager and anxious about the whole thing. Nafisa told her she would be visiting her grandmother before she left and Rayhan sat in the courtyard as she thought about her life.

Mostly, the last day she had seen Dr Kurfi, which had been months ago. The last day she saw him was the day he referred to her as Yar Fulani and when she tried to object, he asked if she wasn't and there was no way she would deny her lineage. She was a Fulani girl thorough and thorough and she was proud of being one. But he looked at her as though he was proud of her being one too. As though all that she had heard him said about a certain Yar Fulani to his phone was about her.

She couldn't be the eternal deal he had said, right?

She really wished she could see him before they left. Or if he could have the chance to visit them at school, she'd be over the moon. She wanted to stare into those eyes of his that held more than he showed. Talk to him and hear him laugh. Oh how beautiful his laughter sounded and how endearing his smile was.

She was now even used to having dreams with Dan Bature sneaking into every crevice and corner of her dream that she even felt empty on days he didn't appear in her dreams. She had missed him, terribly so. Even though she wasn't even used to his presence to say that.

"Rahi?!" Someone called out from the entrance and that jolted her out of her trance. She grunted at the name the person had referred to her with and instantly jolted to her feet when she thought that it could be the person Malam Hamisu had sent to get her.

"Yes?! I'm coming!" She rushed to the door and behold, it was one of the people that worked in their school even though he wasn't a teacher. She smiled warmly at him and greeted him.

"Where are your items? Malam Hamisu is waiting for us at the highway, we should hurry." He said, looking around him briskly and then back to her face.

"We're leaving now?" She had asked and he nodded his head at her.

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