Broken Friendship

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After running away from home I went to various places. I met alot of great people. They are my so called Friends, its been almost 4 months since we all met.

I forgot to mention who I am, Carly Himizakuri. 18 years old. My family is the most richest family in the whole world we own alot of hotels and etc. O I forgot that I am a mage, yes a mage. This world is a magical world, people here uses magic to make their lives much easier. My friends are James Drane, Steffi Blace, Ice Graz. All of them are all mages. But they all ignored me when they saw someone from the past. Frenyar, she and the others were friends. We were planning to join one event that will make us the greatest magicians.One night I went out to have some air. After a few minutes I went back inside.
"You know we might win the event"James said
"Yeah, but we have a black hole in our group"Steffi said
"Your right" Ice said.
"Who?" Frenyar asked
"Carly" The three said in unison
I was shocked and felt tears falling down my face
Then they Frenyar sensed my presence
"Carly"she said
"Carly, uhmm, we meant"Steffi said
"No its alright, atleast I your honest. I will be leaving tomorrow and forgot our bond. Pretend that the 4 months we shared together are merely a dream. Guys be careful, and win the event. Goodnight and thank you again. Good bye"
I run going back to my room and started to pack my things. Even though I said that I will leave tomorrow I put my things inside my small purse. That purse is magical it can contain anything small or big. I jumped out of my window and casted a spell.
O, guardian of the day and night help me soar the sky. Angel wings appear!
A pure big white wings appear behind my back. I flew very far away forgetting everything that just happened. Suddenly my heart felt pain, pain that made my wings black as the dark sky without the moon and the stars. I can feel the pain but I don't seek revenge. Revenge will just make me feel more pain. I stopped in the middle of a forest making me rest and crying out all my feelings.
"Why a pretty girl like you crying in the middle of the wood?" Stanger 1
"Who are you?"
"I am Ranz" Stanger 1
"I am Renz" the other said
"We are mages and we are looking for one more mage so that we can compete in the event" Ranz said
I feel comfort with them thats when I realize my wings are starting to return to its original color. I notice how they were shock I giggled.
"Boys uhmm, wait for a moment...."
I chanted the spell to remove my wings
"Much better"
"Your a mage as well?" Renz
"Yup, but my friends called me weak ang useless"
"What.. Come join our group" Ranz said
"We feel comfortable when we are with you"Renz said.
"Okay but I am weak."
"No your not"
I feel so happy. They held out their hands and i reached it. When got out of the woods we went to their inn and I told them my name. They gave me a key, they said that its my room. I went inside my room but still theres hurt inside my heart. :(

James POV

After Carly heard our conversation. I felt pain in my heart. I love her since I met her. :( So I went to her room and went inside.
I saw nobody. Then I notice her window open. I had the feeling that she's gone now. I went to look for her things. Shes not here. Then something glowed.
Her hologram, and the others arrive as well.

"Hehe I already left. Sorry for everything. I didn't know that I was a badluck for the group. Sorry. :(( I wont be seeking for revenge. Even if you hate me I will still be you friend. And James ... I love u. :D bye. Be safe."

Every one felt sadness. ;_;

I promise we will meet again.

Hi guys. Sorry for mistakes. :D
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