Chapter 17: Valuable Information

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China's POV:

I was petting my white furred cat Lucky. She had green eyes, a grey spot in her Nose Area and was laying down peacefully beside me.

We both were located ontop of my favourite place: The great wall of China

We had an amazing view over my land and could slightly look over to North Korea's border. I had made sure to settle down my palace near the border and be able to help in sudden wars and fight in the frontline. Lucky would stand right behind me as a second power up in my ability, but I never took her with me into dangerous places that could un-alive her.

I remembered my last war within the border, as North Korea send Assassins over the border on the mission to kill Lucky and weaken my ability. Too bad Lucky was with me and I send them to be executed. North didn't take it easily and attacked the border, as he realised I killed his best Assassins.

After North Korea's army failed and my army won with ease, we both decided to not use our Ability and I signed a peace document with him, to prevent future conflicts. He seemed happy to get away, and I didn't want to cause drama by taking his land.

Sometimes I do wonder, if I should've risked taking it, but that could of had ended up in a deadly situation for both, me and my people.

Then there is also his Brother- the opposite. North had the power of destruction and could manage to destroy everything he wanted within a touch, whilst South could create and heal everything within a touch. 

Both their powers seem powerful, but can only be destroyed by one another, which means that if one of them dies, the other either dies too or gain the others power additionally. North believes, he will gain South's power, whilst South believes they would both die.

So obviously South has been attacked multiple times, whilst she resisted to fight back. I wonder where their fate would eventually lead them.

Another warm breeze stroke my face, as Beijing called me. I carefully got up and smoothly slid down the wall, to head back to the palace with Lucky resting on my shoulder.

I reached the entrance and bowed slightly to the guards, before they let me in and smiled thankfully. I was taught to show everyone respect despite their position by my mother. She had passed away due to stage three cancer, but I'm just happy that she doesn't have to live trough all the pain. 

 I entered the dining hall and greeted Beijing, who had waited for me patiently. „Care to keep me some company?" I asked, as I sat down in my chair. Beijing nodded and sat down too, so I offered him food, which he politely refused.

„Any information for the coming week?" I asked and sipped a bit of soup from my spoon. Beijing pulled out a paper and read out a few important points: „Firstly ASEAN is coming to visit us with Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines." I almost chocked on my soup, as I heard ASEAN's name. 

„ASEAN?" I asked. „Association of southeast asian Nation's? Why would someone of the Union family visit us?" I asked, as I cleaned up a bit of soup I spilled on the table. „I was told, he needed to talk with you under four eyes. His three kids apparently just wanted to tag along." I nodded and asked: „Understood, when is he coming over?" Beijing read the paper roll again. „Probably tomorrow at around 2 pm." he told me. 

„Very well.", I replied, „Can you call Japan and South over? Same time, please." Beijing noted my request and went on with the list. „Secondly Macau requested for you to come over for tea at 4pm on Friday." he said and continued reading out the tasks.

As soon he finished, I thanked him and called someone over to clean up the table. I had stacked up the bowls and plates for them to easily transport the dishes. „I will be heading to my room." I said and walked down the hallway. 

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