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Kate's pov

"Enjoy it honey, i'm sure you will love it in Monaco." my mom says some days later when Lando, Max and I are going to Monaco for the grand prix this weekend.

I will not lie, i'm shaking at this moment because i'm super super nervous to walk around with both of the boys and I really wanted to be sure I have good clothes too.

Of course I said yes when Lando asked me if I wanted to join him and Max during the Monaco grand prix but after all i'm since that day so incredible nervous about every single thing and I hate it for sure.

I even went yesterday 3 hours shopping just to found really the outfit for this weekend for the paddock and lucky enough Ria and Emmy both joined me and helped me a lot like they always did before.

"Are you sure those clothes are good enough for an airplane?" I ask unsure one more time to my mother before I go downstairs to see Max and Lando waiting on me.

"Are you sure those clothes are good enough for an airplane?" I ask unsure one more time to my mother before I go downstairs to see Max and Lando waiting on me

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"Honey, don't be so shy. You look absolute beautiful and the boys will absolute love your outfit!" my mother replies with a big smile and I give her a big hug before I go downstairs and see Max and Lando smiling big at me.

"Ready for your first ever grand prix?"

Lando asks to me with a big smile on his face and I smile nervous back.

"Gosh i'm sorry but i'm so nervous already, what if i'm bad luck?, what if people think we are together?, what if people will-?"

"Calm down my sunshine, everything will be allright!, you will rock this weekend like never before." Lando replies before I get more worry about this weekend.

"Yeah Lando is right even I don't like to say that." Max says to me when he takes my luggage.

"Thanks for the help mate." Lando says back to Max and I need to giggle a little bit because their "fights" sometimes.

"Well it's time to go I guess." I say to my parents and I hug them both very big.

"Have an amazing time honey, i'm sure you will love the place there." my mother says with a big smile on her face.

"Thanks mom, still can't believe I will be there soon." I say back to her.

"Enjoy it my little princess and please don't do anything stupid." my father says and he needs to laugh a little bit after his joke.

"Can't promise anything!" I reply back with a wink.

Since the close moment I had with Lando, my parents can't stop talking about me and Lando and I totally hate and for sure because I said to my parents so many time we are just friends, they still don't believe me.

"𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙢𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙡"Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu