Chapter Eight//Date (part 2)

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I went home to change and relax for a bit after school before going to the library. When it was 5:45 pm, I got on my bike and headed to the library. The library from my house was a 10-minute drive but I decided to give myself a 5-minute headstart to decide where we would sit.

On my way to the library, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I knew it was Tyler but I couldn't check the text while driving so I waited till I got to the library.
Once I got to the library, I saw Tyler waiting outside already. He didn't see me yet because he was on his phone but it gave me enough time to mentally prepare myself.

"Hey", I said when I got to him.

He looked up and smiled at me before replying then we made our way into the library.
The library wasn't very occupied today and I was very grateful for that because I always found it easier to focus when fewer people were around.

We found a seat near the window and sat down. This was one of my favourite things about the library, the view from the window seat. The funny thing was that it wasn't something so spectacular to look at, it was just a small stream rushing by and everything around it was so green, but it was still very nice to look at.

Every time I sat at this spot, I'm always thankful to the government for not ruining the place with some building.

"I love the view too. It's my favourite thing about this place", Tyler said interrupting my thoughts.

I didn't even bother asking how he knew I loved the view because I knew I must have zoned out while staring at it.

"You come here?", I asked him surprised.

"Um yes. Have you seen my grades? ", he responded.

Well, he was right. Tyler was an above-average student.

I rolled my eyes in response, however.

"Let me go get the textbooks we need", Tyler said and left.

I was grateful he did that because where we sat was a bit far from the chemistry section.

I took out my phone and started playing candy crush while waiting.

About 5 minutes later, Tyler came back holding about 5 textbooks.

"Well that didn't take long", I said.

"Did you want me to take longer?", he asked smirking.

"I'd prefer you didn't even come back at all", I said with a straight face.

"Ha ha", he said sarcastically.

We got to work after that and to my surprise, he didn't try anything or say anything. We actually got in 3 hours of solid work. I was impressed with how much he actually knew. The best thing was he never acted like he knew any of this stuff in class.

By the time it was 9 pm, we were already getting tired and it was quite obvious. 

"Let's take a mental health break", Tyler said.

"A mental health break?", I asked laughing.

"Yes because the more we go, the more my mental health declines, I'm telling you.", he said.

I chuckled.

"Alright, I agree. What do we do during this break?", I asked

"Let's just talk I guess.", he said.

"Okayyyy. What should we talk about?", I asked already dreading where any of this was going but still pretending to play it cool.

"Okay let's talk about tiktok influencers we like and hate and why.", he said.

I took a mental double-take because I wasn't expecting that.

"Why do you look surprised?", he asked me, "you didn't think I watched tiktok?"

"Of course not. I thought you spend every day at some skating arena and some weird stuff.", I responded.

I didn't think so but I didn't want him to think I was surprised for any other reason.

"Why would you think that? Do I look like a skater boy?", he asked.

"Yes", I deadpanned. I was having so much fun teasing him.

"I don't think you know much about aesthetics, " he said.

"I very much do and you're definitely a skater boy," I said, lying again.

We ended up talking about tiktok influencers we watched. The ones we hated and the ones we loved.

He said he liked Andrew Tate but didn't agree with his misogynistic content. I immediately told him he was a red flag.

"It's not like I agree with his views on women. I just think his money skills are actually quite smart.", he retorted.

"That's the same thing. And his money skills are basic. You clearly haven't been reading Robert Kiyosaki and others."

"I don't know what to say to you," he said.

"Because I'm right," I responded rolling my eyes.

"Whatever, it's 9:30 pm already, let's get back to the project," he said.

"Alright," I responded.

We studied past 10 pm and ended up finishing by 10:20 pm. I was very impressed and excited by the fact that for once I didn't get to do all the work myself.

"You know the GOAT of all games is subway surf," I argued as we walked to my bike.

"No, it's rolling sky. I don't even know why we're arguing about this," he responded.

"We're arguing about this because you have no taste," I said rolling my eyes even though he couldn't see me because we were walking side by side.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night,  Lauretta," he said.

"You're just mad because I'm right, " I said sounding like a ten-year-old.

"You sound like a ten-year-old," he said.

"Whatever, "

"So see you again tomorrow Lauretta," he said as we got to my bike.

"Yeah see you," I responded then climbed my bike.

I watched his receding figure for a few seconds wondering what was causing the bubbly feeling in me before starting my bike and heading home.

Thank you all if you've made it this far. Truly appreciate.

Tag: jasminestars

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