Femme Fatale

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Become the Femme Fatale: 18 Exciting Ways to Be Absolutely Irresistible
Revealing all the delicious tricks of the exquisite femme fatale who's on everyone's mind.

Ah, the femme fatale-to paraphrase Mildred Piece, "the kind of woman every soul in the room wants!" The Hollywood noir legend from the 1940s has a point: it's just too tempting to chase after a femme fatale. But what if you want to become her? If you do, that's completely understandable. After all, she's smart, confident, seductive, and above all, powerful. If you're dying to possess all of her mysterious beauty, we'll tell you exactly how to be dangerously sexy just like her. So, get ready to play, darling. Here, you'll learn all the secrets to transforming yourself into an unforgettable femme fatale.

Things you should know

Always put yourself first and go after what you want. A femme fatale is ruthlessly ambitious and unapologetic about making herself a priority.
Seduce people with your very presence-wear ensembles that make you feel fabulous, put on a bewitching signature scent, and carry yourself like a movie star.

Be excitingly unpredictable. If you're usually composed, show your passionate side by sharing emotions. If you often flirt, display smarts, like your debate skills.

To remain a mystery, don't reveal your next move or your amazing plans. Instead, impress the world with all you pull off and make everyone wonder how you did it.

What's the meaning of "femme fatale"?

A "femme fatale" is a woman who's glamorous and powerful.

Technically, "femme fatale" is French for "fatal (or dangerous) woman." Really, she's just "dangerous" because she's unstoppably seductive. In movies, you can find all sorts of femmes fatales, from old Hollywood starlets to today's celebrities. In books, she might be an undercover spy or just a seductress that wants to toy with people. Wherever you find her, the femme fatale is the ultra-attractive woman whose mysterious beauty is her secret weapon.
You could say that a femme fatale has a certain "je ne sais quoi"-that's just another fun French phrase that roughly translates to "I don't know what it is (about her)!"

Here's a clue: most are so drawn to the femme fatale because she has a quiet confidence and is always elegant. When she slinks into the room, she's impeccably dressed and looks sure of herself.

Classic femmes fatales include actresses in noir films, like Ava Gardner. In comics, Black Widow and Catwoman qualify as femmes fatales. A great example of a modern femme fatale is Angelina Jolie in Mr. and Mrs. Smith or any current Bond woman.

Become the Femme Fatale from wikiHow article https://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Femme-Fatale and more.

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